Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Newyddion News

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B-B-Q a Rasus Hwyaid 2024 B-B-Q and Duck Races
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Sul y Cofio 2023 Remembrance Sunday
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Anrhydedd i Jane Jones / Honouring Jane Jones
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B-B-Q a Rasus Hwyaid 2023 B-B-Q and Duck Races
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Diffibriliwr ychwanegol i Lansannan / An additional Defibrillator for Llansannan
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Cinio Nadolig y Pensiynwyr 2022 Pensioners Christmas dinner
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Te Nadolig Clwb yr Heulwen Christmas Tea
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Sul y Cofio 2022 Remembrance Sundau
website link 2021 Christmas
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Sul y Cofio 2021 Remembrance Sunday
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Nadolig 2020 / Christmas 2020
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Cysgodfa Rhieni Ysgol Bro Aled Parents Shelter
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Cinio Nadolig y Pensiynwyr 2019 Pensioners'Christmas Dinner
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Ffair Nadolig 2019 Ysgol Bro Aled Christmas Fair
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Te Nadolig Clwb yr Heulwen 2019 Christmas Tea
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Sul y Cofio 2019 Remembrance Sunday
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Taith Flynyddol Clwb yr Heulwen 2019 Annual Clwb yr Heulwen Outing
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Cystadleuaeth Blodyn Haul Talaf 2019 Tallest Sunflower Competition
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Cyngerdd bl 5&6 Ysgol Bro Aled / Ysgol Bro Aled Years 5 & 6 Concert
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Dathlu Penblwydd 50 Cylch Meithrin Llansannan / Celebrating the 50th Birthday of the Cylch Meithrin Llansannan
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B-B-Q a rasus hwyaid 2019 / B-B-Q and Duck races 2019
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Bore Coffi Sadwrn Siarad 2018 Coffee Morning
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Ffair Nadolig Ysgol Bro Aled / Bro Aled School Christmas Fair
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Te Nadolig 2018 Clwb yr Heulwen Christmas Tea
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Sul y Cofio 2018 Remembrance Sunday
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Taith Clwb yr Heulwen 2018 Sunshine Club Triup
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Camfa newydd i lwybr toed rhif 10 / New stile for footpath no. 10
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Penodiad Y Parchedig Gwenda Cooper yn rheithior. Appointment of Reverend Gwenda Cooper as Vicar
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Siop y Llan
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Ffarwelio ar Parchedig Sally Rogers / Farewell to Reverend Sally Rogers
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Casglu 'sbwriel o amgylch y pentref / Litter collection around the village
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Cinio Nadolig y Pensiynwyr 2017 Pensioners' Christmas Dinner
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Noson Siopa Nadolig Ysgol Bro Aled School Christmas Shopping Evening
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Te Nadolig Clwb yr Heulwen 2017 Sunshine Club Christmas Tea
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Sul y Cofio 2017 Remembrance Sunday
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Taith Clwb yr Heulwen 2017 Sunshine Club Outing
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Sialens Cymru Wyllt 2017 / Wild Wales Challenge 2017
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Dathlu hanner can mlwyddiant Canolfan Addysg Bro Aled Celebrating 50 years of the Bro Aled Education Centre
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Mudiad Meithrin yn dathlu 45 mlynedd. / Mudiad Meithrin celebrating 45 years
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Cwis at Hosbis Sant Cyndeyrn, Llanelwy / Quiz for St Kentigern Hospice Llanelwy
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Diffibriliwr Cymunedol / Community Defibrillator
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Cinio Nadolig y Pensiynwyr 2016 Pensioners' Christmas Dinner
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Te Nadolig Clwb yr Heulwen 2016 Sunshine Club Christmas Tea
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Cor Meibion Bro Aled yn dathlu 40 mlwydd oed Bro Aled Male Voice Choir 40 year's celebration.
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Cystadleuaeth Blodyn Haul talaf 2016 / Tallest Sunflower competition 2016
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Taith Clwb yr Heulwen 2016 Sunshine Club Outing
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Ffilm o fywyd pentref Llansannan / Film of Llansannan village life.
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Bore Coffi Sadwrn Siarad yn y Llew Coch. Coffee Morning at the Red Lion
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Llyfr Bro Aled Book
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Ras Taith Prydain 2015 Tour of Britain Race
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Noson Hynafolion ac Ocsiwn Addewidion / Antiques Road Show and Auction of Promises
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Taith Gerdded Hanesyddol Llansannan Historical Walk
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Dathliadau Penblwydd Helen / Helen's Birthday Celebrations.
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Pont newydd dros Afon Hyrdd / New bridge over the River Hyrdd
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Dathlu canmlwyddiant Capel Coffa Henry Rees / Centenary celebration of the Henry Rees Memorial Chapel.
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Bore Coffi Macmillan / Macmillan Coffee Morning
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Sadwrn Siarad yn dathlu 10 mlynedd / Sadwrn Siarad celebrating 10 years
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Ymweliad plant o Chernobyl a Llansannan / Chernobyl children visit Llansannan
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Gostyngiad cerb ym Maes Creiniog / Dropped kerb in Maes Creiniog
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Taith gerdded Eglwysi Petryal a Betws yn Rhos / Betws yn Rhos and Petryal Churches walk website link

Diwrnod i'w gofio! / A day to remember!
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Ymwelwyr o India / Visitors from India
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Cerddwn Ymlaen / Walk On
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Noson Siapaneaidd SYM / WI Japanese Evening
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Diolch / Thank you
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Sioe Ffasiwn "Vintage" Fashion Show
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Llongyfarchiadau / Conratulations
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Cyngerdd / Concert
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Heb drydan yn y pentref / Village without elecrtricity
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Bwrdd tenis / Table tennis table
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Canolfan Wybodaeth /
Information Centre
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Fair Nadolig Sant Sannan / St Sannan's Christmas Fair
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Carolau a Sion Corn yn y Llew Coch / Carols and Santa Claus at the Red Lion
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Miri Nadolig Ysgol Feithrin Llansannan / llansannan Nursery School Christmas Fair
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Te Nadolig Clwb yr Heulwen / Sunshine Club Christmas Tea
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Taith gedded Llansannan-Wythnos Gerdded Conwy / Llansannan walk-Conwy Walking Week
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B-B-Q Cymdeithas Cwaraeon Bro Aled Sports Association B-B-Q
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Taith pen tymor Cymdeithas Hanes a Diwilliant Bro Aled / Bro Aled Historical and Culture Association's end of season trip
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Anrhydedd i'r Llew Coch / An Award for the Red Lion
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Offer newydd i'r Parc Chwarae / New apparatus for the Play Park
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Amrywiol / Miscellaneous
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Ffair Haf Eglwys Sant Sannan / St Sannan's Summer Fayre
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Te P'nawn / Afternoon Tea
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B-B-Q a Mabolgampau / Sports and B-B-Q
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Taith pen tymor Cymdeithas Hanes a Diwilliant Bro Aled / Bro Aled Historical and Culture Association end of season outing. website link

Cyrsiau Cyfrifidur / Computer Courses
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Ffair Haf Ysgol Bro Aled Summer Fair
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Twrnament Snwcer / Snooker Tournament
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B-B-Q a Twrnament Bowlio / Bowls Tournament and B-B-Q
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Diwrnod Agored / Open Day
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Mae'r gaeaf yma! / Winter is here!
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Penodiad Rheithor i Eglwysi Petryal a Betws yn Rhos / Appointment of Vicar to Petryal and Betws yn Rhos Churches
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Gwyliau plant o Chernobyl yn Llansannan
Children from Chernobyl holidaying in Llansannan
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Anrhydedd i'r Llew Coch / An Honour for the Red Lion
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Ysgol Bro Aled, prosiect ymchwil 'sbwriel dosbarth 3 & 4 / Bro Aled School clss 3 & 4 litter poject
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Diwrnod yr Amgylchedd / Environment Day
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Te Nadolig Clwb yr Heulwen Sunshine Club's Christmas Tea
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Ymweliad cyfeillion Roissy en Brie a'r ardal / Visitors from Roissy en Brie to the area
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Ysgol Feithrin Llansannan yn dathlu / Llansannan Nursery School celebrating
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Cyngerdd Gwyl Dewi St David's Day Concert
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Sadwrn Siarad / Saturday Speaking
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Mainc newydd i'r pentref
A new bench for the village
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Plant Ysgol Bro Aled yn plannu gwelau blodau
Bro Aled School pupils planting flower beds
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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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