Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Sul y Cofio 2017 Remembrance Sunday

Eleni cafwyd y Gwasanaeth ar y 12fed o Dachwedd. Y ffodus 'roedd y tywydd yn ffafriol, efo awyr las tra oedd yn Gwasanaeth ymlaen. This year the Service was held on the 12th November. Fortunately, the weather remained fine with a blue sky for the duration of the Service


Yn aros i'r gwasanaeth ddechrau.
Waiting for the Service to begin.


Y Gwasaneth ymlaen
Service in progress.


Cymerwyd rhan eleni gan: Mr Celfyn Williams (Cadeirydd y Cyngor Cymuned) Mrs Rosemary Smyth, Mrs Katy Willians a Mr Eifion Jones.
Taking part in the service were: Mr Celfyn Williams (Chairman of the Community Council), Mrs Rosemary Smyth, Mrs Katy Williams and Mr Eifion Jones


Gosodwyd rhithau gan gadeirydd y Cyngor, Holly Day (ar ran teulu Gorffwysfa) a dwy gan aelodau o Sgowtiaid Crosby.
Wreaths were laid by the Chairman of the Council, Holly Day (on behalf of the Gorffwysfa Family) and two by representatives of Crosby Scouts.

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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