Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Cyngerdd / Concert

Cyngerdd Nos Wener y 9fed o Fai 2014 er codi arian tuag at Gnolfan Addysg Bro Aled.
Concert held as a fund raising activity for the Bro Aled Educational Centre on Friday 9th May 2014.


Arweinir y cor gan Manon Easter Lewis i'w gweld yma'n cyfeilio. Mwynhawyd y perfformiad yn fawr iawn.

The Choir Conductress is Manon Easter Lewis seen here at the piano. Their performance was enjoyed by all present.


Deuawd gyda Morfudd ac Hefina
Duet with Morfudd and Hefina

Cyngerdd / Concert Statistics: 0 click throughs, 466 views since start of 2024

Cor Merched Edeyrnion.jpgCyngerdd / Concert

Mae CÔr Merched Edeyrnion yn cynnwys 50 o ferched ac fe'i sefydlwyd yn 1979. Daw'r aelodau o bentrefi wedi ei lleoli ar gyffiniau'r trefi marchnad Bala a Chorwen yng Nogledd Cymru. Tros y blynyddoedd maent wedi mwynhau cynnal cyngherddau a chystadlu mewn gwyliau cerddorol. Ennillon 11 o wiethiau yng nghystadleuthau corau merched yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru tros y blynyddoedd. Hefyd, buon yn llwyddiannus ac ennill y Gwpan Arian yng Ngwyl Fawreddog Cerddoriaeth Verona, Yr Eidal yn 1992.
Cafon deithiau llwyddiannus yn cynnwys Yr Almaen, Catalonia, Llydaw, Iwerddon a Barbados.
CÔr Merched Edeyrnion is a choir of fifty female voices and was formed in 1979. The members are drawn from villages around the market towns of Bala and Corwen in the north of Wales. Over the years the choir has enjoyed giving concerts and competing in numerous festivals. At the annual National Eisteddfod of Wales it has won
the title of best ladies choir eleven times and also in 1992 the silver cup at the prestigious Verona Music Festival in Italy. Very successful choral tours have also been undertaken in Brittany, Germany, Ireland, Catalonia and Barbados.

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 75 click throughs, 66302 views since start of 2024