Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Ffair Haf Eglwys Sant Sannan / St Sannan's Summer Fayre


Beti a Tammi ar y bwrdd bric a brac
Betty and Tammi manning the bric-a brac table


Rhai a ddaeth i brynnu.
Some that turned up to support


Mae rhywbeth diddorol yma!
Such interesting things here!


Cyfle i sgwrsio.
An opportunity for chatting


Dyma'r mefus a hufen.
The strawberries and cream

Ffair Haf Eglwys Sant Sannan / St Sannan's Summer Fayre Statistics: 0 click throughs, 322 views since start of 2024

FFair Haf.jpgFfair Haf Eglwys Sant Sannan / St Sannan's Summer Fayre

Fel Wimbledon, mae'r Ffair Haf yn achlysur blynyddol
Like Wimbledon the Summer Fayre is an annual occasion.

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 71 click throughs, 55703 views since start of 2024