Sioe Ffasiwn Vintage Fashion Show
Er gwneud y digwyddiad yn fwy diddorol, 'roedd ynchwil wedi ei wneud i gefndir pob dilledyn gan Dr Mari Elin Wiliam ac fe adroddwyd ar hyn pan fyddai yn cael ei wisgo gan y modelau. Pwrpas y noson oedd codi arian tuag at Ysgol Feithrin Llansannan a da oedd gweld cymaint o gefnogaeth gan drigolion lleol a phell. Erbyn diwedd y noson 'roedd dros £1000 o elw wedi ei wneud. In order to add interest to the event, all the clothes used by the models had been researched by Dr Mari Wiliam, and this was conveyed to the audience whilst on show. The purpose of the evening was to raise funds for the Llansannan Nursery school and it was heartening to see such a strong support from local and people from a distance. By the end of the evening a profit of over £1000 had been achieved.
Y gynilleidfa'n mwynhau
The audience enjoying the show
Bwrdd o ferched a mamau lleol
A table of local ladies and mothers.
Colin Macdonald yn modelu dillad Edwardaidd ac Yvonne, cyflwynwraig Heno ar y bombren
On the catwalk with Colin Macdonald, modelling Edwardian clothes is Yvonne, Heno presenter.
Sgwrsio efo cyfeillion tra'n mwynhaau gwydriad o win
Chatting with friends whilst enjoying a glass of winee
Owain John yn diddori'r gynulleidfaa yn ystod yr egwyl
Owain John entertaining the audience during the interval
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Sioe Ffasiwn Vintage Fashion Show
Cynhaliwyd Sioe Ffasiwn "Vintage" yn y Ganolfan nos Wener y 23ain o Fai 2014. Darlledwyd peth o'r sioe'n fyw ar raglen cylchgrawn S4C Heno. 'Roedd mewn dau ran, y cyntaf yn defnyddio dillad wedi ei benthyg gan Vintage Mary Dei o Ddinbych a'r ail yn dangos dillad wedi ei benthyg gan drigolion lleol. Modelau lleol, yn blant merched a dynion a wisgodd y dillad i'w dangos i gynulleidfa cefnogol a theilwng iawn.
Yn ystod yr egwyl, cafwyd cyfraniad cerddorol gan Owain John gyda Gwynneth Vaughan yn cyfeilio ac hefyd arwerthiant o eitemau rhoddedig gan gwmniau lleol a phell. Yr arwerthwr oed Dilwyn Pierce o Lannefydd.
A Vintage fashion Show was held in the Community Centre on Friday the 23rd May 2014. Part of the show was broadcast live by S4C during their magazine programme Heno.
The evening was composed of two parts, the first with clothes loaned by Vintage Mary Dei of Denbigh and the second using clothes lent by local people.
In the two instances the clothes were modeled by local children, men and ladies in front of a substantial and appreciative audience. During the interval, a musical contribution was given by Owain John, accompanied by Gwynneth Vaughan on the piano and an auction of donated articles supplied by local and distant companies. The auctioneer was Dilwyn Pierce from Llannefydd
Y Poster er hysbysebu'r digwyddiad
The Poster for publicizing the event