Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Nadolig 2021 Christmas


Gosodwyd y Goeden Nadolig ger y Feddygfa Maes Creiniog Dydd Iau y 9fed o Rhagfyr eleni. Gosodwyd addurniadau arni gyda cymorth plant ysgol Bro Aled.
This year's Christmas tree was placed in position outside of the Surgery, Maes Gogor on Thursday the 9th December. It was decorated with assistance from
Ysgol Bro Aled pupils.


Arwydd Llansannan ar gyrion y pentref ger Pen Cleden yn edrych yn Nadoligaidd .
The Llansannan sign by Pen Cleden looking Christmasy.


Addurno ger yr Ysgol
By the School


Mae 24 o addurniadu fel hwn wedi ei gosod o amgylch y pentref eleni gyda pob un yn goleuo wei tywyllu. 24 decorations similar to this one have been placed around the village this year. Each one lights up after dark


Golygfa tymhorol.
Seasonal scene

Nadolig 2021 Christmas Statistics: 0 click throughs, 376 views since start of 2024

Nadolig 2021 Christmas

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 71 click throughs, 55634 views since start of 2024