Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Fair Nadolig Eglwys Sant Sannan / St Sannanan's Christmas Fair


Cael paned a sgwrs
having a cuppa and a chat








Sion Corn yn rhoi anrhegion i'r plant
Santa Clause giving presents to the children

Fair Nadolig Eglwys Sant Sannan / St Sannanan's Christmas Fair Statistics: 0 click throughs, 318 views since start of 2024

Raffl.jpgFair Nadolig Eglwys Sant Sannan / St Sannanan's Christmas Fair

Cynhaliwyd eleni ar ddydd Saddwrn y 14eg o Ragfyr
This year's date was the 14th December

Byddai 'run ffair yn gyflawn heb raffl!!
No fair would be complete without a raffle

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 71 click throughs, 55671 views since start of 2024