Penodiad Ficer i Eglwysi Petryal a Betws yn Rhos / Appointment of Vicar for Petryal and Betws yn Rhos Churches
Cynhaliwyd y gwasanaeth arbennig yn Eglwys y Santes Fair Llanfair T.H. nos Wener y 3ydd o Fedi 2010 i groesawy Sally Rogers yn Reithor Plwyf i Eglwysi Petryal a Betws yn Rhos yn Esgobaeth Llanelwy.
A special service was held at St Mary's Church, Llanfair TH on Friday 3rd of September to welcome Sally Rogers as vicar of the Petryal and Betws yn Rhos churches in the diocese of St Asaph.
Daeth nifer helaeth o aelodau, ffrindiau a theulu ynghyd i estyn croeso arbennig o gynnes I Sally. Yma gwelir nifer o aelodau Eglwys St Sannan
A good number of members, friends and families were assembled to offer a warm welcome to Sally.
Here are some os the St Sannan church members
Cafwyd darlleniad ac anerchiad gan yr Esgob Gregory, Esgob Llanelwy.
Bishop Gregory, the Bishop of St Asaph gave a reading and an address.
Cynhaliwyd gwledd o fwyd ar ol y gwasanaeth, a chyfle am sgwrs gyda ffrindiau hen a newydd.
Following the service, the congregation were able to enjoy a buffet meal and have an opportunity to chat with friends old and new.
Dymunwn yn dda iawn i Sally yn ei dyletswyddau
We wish Sally well with her responsibilities.
Penodiad Ficer i Eglwysi Petryal a Betws yn Rhos / Appointment of Vicar for Petryal and Betws yn Rhos Churches Statistics: 0 click throughs, 409 views since start of 2024
Penodiad Ficer i Eglwysi Petryal a Betws yn Rhos / Appointment of Vicar for Petryal and Betws yn Rhos Churches
Gwasanaeth arbennig i dderbyn Sally Rogers yn Rheithor eglwysi Petryal a Betws yn Rhos
A special Service to welcome Sally Rogers as Ficer of Petryal and Betws yn Rhos Churches