Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Penodiad Gwenda Cooper yn Rheithor Plwyfi Llangern yw, Llansannan a Llanfair TH / Appointment o Gwenda Cooper as Vicar for the parishes of Llangernyw, Llanfair TH and Llansannan

Yn dilyn ymddeoliad y Parchedig Sally Rogers ym mis Ebrill eleni, mae y Parchedig Gwenda Cooper wedi bod yn rheithoi i'r tri plwyf lleol ers Mis Mai ond cafwyd gwasanaeth arbenig i'w sefydlu Nos Lun u 9fed o Gorfennaf 2018 yn Eglwys St Digain Llangernyw Mae'r eglwysi hyn yn rhan o Ardal Cenhadaeth Aled Following the retirement of the Reverend Sally Rogers during April of this year, Reverend Gwenda Cooper has been officiating as Vicar of the our three local Parishes since May and the welcoming service was held on Monday the 9th July at St Digain's Church Llangernyw. These churches are part of the Aled Mission Area.


Eglwys St Digain
St Digain's Church


Eglwys y Santes Fair llanfairtalhaearn
St Mary's Church Llanfair T H


Eglwys St Sannan, Llansannan
St Sannan's Church, Llansannan

Penodiad Gwenda Cooper yn Rheithor Plwyfi Llangern yw, Llansannan a Llanfair TH / Appointment o Gwenda Cooper as Vicar for the parishes of Llangernyw, Llanfair TH and Llansannan Statistics: 0 click throughs, 440 views since start of 2024

GwendA cOOPER.JPGPenodiad Gwenda Cooper yn Rheithor Plwyfi Llangern yw, Llansannan a Llanfair TH / Appointment o Gwenda Cooper as Vicar for the parishes of Llangernyw, Llanfair TH and Llansannan

Y Parchedig Gwenda Cooper
Reverend Gwenda Cooper

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 71 click throughs, 55663 views since start of 2024