Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Taith Clwb yr Heulwen 2017 Sunshine Club Outing




Senedd dy Owain Glyndwr
Owain Glyndwr's Parliament House


Golygfa allan o ffenest y bus ar y ffordd i Fachynlleth o ddolgellau
Scenery through the bus window on the way from Dolgellau to Machynlleth


Ffrindiau yn siop Melin Meirion
Friend shopping at Meirion Mill


Cael paned yng nghaffi Melin Meirion.
Having a cuppa at the Meirion Mill caffe

Taith Clwb yr Heulwen 2017 Sunshine Club Outing Statistics: 0 click throughs, 363 views since start of 2024

Bws yn y llan.JPGTaith Clwb yr Heulwen 2017 Sunshine Club Outing

Y bws yn y pentref yn aros am y teithwyr
The bus in the village ready for passengers

Eleni, aeth y Daith a'r ddydd Iau y 21ain o Fedi i Ddolgellau, Machynlleth a Melin Meirion.
Cafwyd tywydd braf a mwynhawyd yr achlysur gan y 38 o deithwyr.

This year the date of the annual outing fell on Thursday the 21st September and went to Dolgellau, Machynlleth and Meirion Mill.
The weather was fine and the 38 passengers had an enjoyable day.

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 71 click throughs, 55659 views since start of 2024