Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Offer a gafwyd trwy grantiau / Equipment obtained with grants

Maer' Gymdeithas wedi bod yn llwyddianus yn ystod 2009 mewn ceisiadau i wahanol fudiadau ac fel canlynid derbynwyd cyfanswm o £3250.00.
Daeth hyn o: 1. Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru trwy law Cyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Conwy (Cist Cymunedol £1800.00) 2. Cartrefi Conwy (Cist Cymunedol £770.00) a 3. Cist Cymunedol Conwy (Cyngor Chwaraeon Cymru £680.00)
Daeth newyddion da eto pan gafwyd gwybodaeth ar y 5ed o Awst 2010, bod ein cais y tro yma o Gronfa Gymunedol y Co-operative am £900.00 wedi bod yn llwyddianus. Pwrpas yr arian oedd cael torrwr lawnt newydd i'r lawnt fowlio. 'Roedd yr un a ddefnyddwyd gynt wedi bod gan y clwb Bowlio ers 1987 ac wedi gweld dyddiau gwell! 'Dan ni fel Cymdeithas yn ddiolchgar iawn i'r sefydliadau sydd wedi bod mor hael yn eu cyfraniadau atom er ein galluogi i brynnu'r offer yma
The Association were successful in their applications to various organisations for grants during 2009, and as a result the sum of £3250.00 was secured. This came from the following: 1. Welsh Assembly Government, dispensed by, Conwy Voluntary Services Council (Community Chest £1800.00). 2. Cartrefi Conwy (Community Chest £770.00) and 3. Conwy Community Chest (Sports Council Wales £680.00)
Good news arrived on the 5th August 2010, in that our application to the C0-operative Community Fund for £900.00 had been successful. The purpose of this was to seek funding for assisting with the purchase of a new mower for use on the bowling green. The one used had been in use by the Bowls Club since 1987 and had seen better days! We as an Association are exceedingly grateful to the organisations that have contributed to our funds so that we have been able to purchase these items of equipment.


Cael storfa ychwanegol oedd prif bwrpas cael y "container" ac bydd yn ddefnyddiol iawn trwy ryddhau lle yn adeilad y pafiliwn.

Having additional stogage space was the main purpose of needing a container and it will come in useful in releasing space within the pavilion.


Mae'r goleuadau newydd a osodwyd ar y lownt fowlio yn defnyddio llai na hanner yr ynni a oedd ei angen gan y goleuadau gwreiddiol, a bydd hyn yn helpu'r amgylchedd a hefyd yn arbed arian i'r gymdeithas.

The newly installed lights on the bowling green will use less than half the energy of those they replaced. This will help the environment and save us money.


Gyda rhan o'r arian a dderbynwyd gan Gyngor Chwaraeon Cymru prynwyd offer pel droed plant. Defnyddir hyn pob wythnos gan blant ysgolion cynradd yr ardal. Bydd y gweddill o'r grant yn talu am gyrsiau hyfforddi mewn pel droed a chymorth cyntaf i arweinwyr.

Part of the money received from the Sports Council of Wales has been used to purchase football equipment.. This is used weekly by children from local primary schools. The remainder of the grant is to be spent on football leader coaching and first aid courses


Bu Cymdeithas Chwaraeon Bro Aled yn llwyddianus yn ei cais am £900.00 o Gronfa Gymunedol y Co-operative. Pwrpas y cais oedd helpu tuag at y gost o brynnu peiriant torri'r lawnt bowlio. 'Roedd yr un a ddefnyddiwyd gynt yr un a gafwyd pan sefydlwyd y Clwb Bowlio yn 1986. Pris yr un newydd oedd £1427.99 ac mae'r Gymdeithas a'r Clwb Bowlio wedi talu'r gwahaniaeth.
Bro Aled Sports Association have been successful in their recent application for £900.00 from the Co-operative Community Fund. The purpose of the application was to assist in the purchase of a lawn mower for the bowling green. The one previously in use was acquired whrn the Bowl Club was established in 1986. The cost of the new mower was £1427.99 and the balance was shared between the Association and the Bowls Club


Torrwr glaswellt / Grass mower
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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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