Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Y Rhyfel Mawr ym Mro Aled (mwy o luniau) / The Great War in Bro Aled (more pictures)

Linc i'r gan olaf yn y perfformiad / Link to the closing song of the performance website link


Aelodau'r cor / Choir members
Rhes flaen - Chwith i'r dde / Front row- left to right
Ann, Elin, Iorwen, Marian, Ann, Mair Cet, Rhoswen, Sheila ac Elin
Rhes gefn-chwith i'r dde / Back row- left to right
Sian, Erin, Lili, Sharon, Lois, Sian, Brynle a Glyn.


Gruff Roberts a oedd ar y drymiau a Mair Owen yn cyfeilio
Gruff Robert on the drums and accompanist Mair Owen.


Y Milwyr Prydeinig / The British Soldiers
(chwith i'r dde-left to right)
Col.R C Drury-Gwion Williams,(Rhes Gefn / Back row) Llio Williams, Lliwen Evans a Beca Williams
(Rhes Flaen / Front row) Eban Elwy, Cian Evans ac Anest Williams


Y cast yn canu'r gan olaf yn y sioe / The cast singing the closing song of the performance.

Linc i weld a chywed y gan olaf yn y perfformiad / Link to see and hear the closing song of the performance
website link

Y Rhyfel Mawr ym Mro Aled (mwy o luniau) / The Great War in Bro Aled (more pictures) Statistics: 0 click throughs, 351 views since start of 2024

Y Rhyfel Mawr ym Mro Aled (mwy o luniau) / The Great War in Bro Aled (more pictures)

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 71 click throughs, 55685 views since start of 2024