Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Swyddfa Bost Gwasanaeth Lletyol / Hosted Post Office Service

Cynhelir y gwasanaeth yn adeilad y Post yng Nghanol y Llan
Cymerwyd yr adeilad drosodd gan y Cyngor Cymuned ac fe'i defnyddir fel swyddfa i'r Clerc.
Yn ychwanegol, yma mae Swyddfa Y Gadlas, sef y Papur Bro rhwng y afonydd Conwy a'r Clwyd. Mae'n man cyfarfod i'r trigolion lleol a'r Cynghorydd Sir, y Swyddog Rhawd Cymunedol, yr Aelod Cynulliad a'r Aelod Seneddol.
Gosodir y Cwnter i'r Gwasanaeth Lletyol Llansannan. Cynhelir y Gwasanaeth gan Swyddfa Bost Betws yn Rhos.
This service is provided in the Post building in Canol y LLan. The building has been taken over by the Community Council and is to be used as an office by the Clerk. In addition, Y Gadlas (Local paper between the Rivers Conwy and Clwyd has it's office here . It also serves as a meeting place for the local people to meet with the County Councillor, the Community Beat Manager, the Assembly Member and Member of Parliament.
The Counter is let to the Llansannan Hosted Service and the service provider is the Betws yn Rhos Post Office.


Hazel Dafforne oedd y cwsmer cyntaf ar bore agor y gwasanaeth yma yn Llansannan. Tu ol i'r cwnter mae Graeme Adshead a Haf Deane

Hazel Dafforne was the first customer to be served on the opening day of the Service in Llansannan. Serving behind the counter are Graeme Adshead and Haf Deane.


Cafodd botel o Siampen gan Sue Hodgins (Cynghorydd Newidiadau Allanol).
To mark the occasion, she was presented with a bottle of Champagne by Sue Hodgins (Field Change Advisor).


Gwnaeth Jenny Poiner greu hanes yma pan oedd hi y person cyntaf i drethu car yn y gwasanaeth newydd yma yn Llansannan.
History was made when Jenny Poiner obtained tax for the family car here, the first to use this additional service that is now available.


Cyflwynwyd Y Cynghorydd Sue Lloyd-Williams efo anrheg fel gwerthfawrocad am ei gwaith er sefydlu'r gangen yn y pentref gan Sue Hodgins.
'Roedd pawb wedi ei plesio fel aeth y bore 'mlaen.
Cllr Sue Lloyd-Williams, present for the occasion, was also presented with a gift by Sue Hodgins for her assistance with setting up this branch in the village.
Everyone was pleased with the way things went during the morning.

Oriau agor y Gwasanaeth
Dydd Llun 14.30-16.30
Dydd Mawrth 09.30-12.30
Dydd Iau 09.30-11.30

Open for Service
Monday 14.30-16.30
Tuesday 09.30-12.30
Thursday 09.30-11.30

Swyddfa Bost Gwasanaeth Lletyol / Hosted Post Office Service Statistics: 0 click throughs, 614 views since start of 2024

Canol Village Centre1.jpgSwyddfa Bost Gwasanaeth Lletyol / Hosted Post Office Service

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 75 click throughs, 66532 views since start of 2024