Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Hyfforddiant Pel Droed Plant / Children's Football Coaching


Mae ymarfer pel droed i blant ysgolion cynradd ar gae chwarae Llansannan pob Nos Iau rhwng 5 a 6 yh yn ystod tymhorau'r ysgol. Bydd Hyfforddwyr o Adran Chwaraeon Cyngor Conwy yn arwain y sesiynau a codir £2.0 y pen am y noson.

Football coaching for primary school children is available on the Llansannan sports field every Thursday between 5 and 6 pm. during school term. Trainers from Conwy Council Liesure Services attend the sessions and a charge of £2.0 per child is made.


Mae rhwng 15 ac 20 o blant yn mynychu'r sesiynau'n rheolaidd, yn fechgyn a merched ac yn dod o Lannefydd, Groes a Llansannan

Berween 15 and 20 children attend the sessions, boys and girls coming from Llannefydd, Groes and Llansannan


Ymarfer i gynesu.

Waming up exercise.


Chwaraewyr y dyfodol

Players of the future

Hyfforddiant Pel Droed Plant / Children's Football Coaching Statistics: 0 click throughs, 433 views since start of 2024

Hyfforddiant Pel Droed Plant / Children's Football Coaching

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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