Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Ffenestri newydd i'r tolied / New windows for the toilet


Wedi gweld dyddiau gwell!
Seen better days!


Un wedi ei addnewyddu
A replaced one


Y talcen cyn ei newid
The gable end prior to being replaced


Yr un newydd
The replacement


Wedi mynd trwy'r broses o gael tri amcanbris am wneud y gwaith, dyma'r adeiladwr a benodwyd, Gwyn Evans
Following the process of obtaining three estimates for the work, here is the appointed builder Gwyn Evans

Ffenestri newydd i'r tolied / New windows for the toilet Statistics: 0 click throughs, 428 views since start of 2024

Arwydd Co-op.jpgFfenestri newydd i'r tolied / New windows for the toilet

Hysbyseb y Co-op
Co-op notice

Yn dilyn ceisiadau llwyddiannus am arian at Cartrefi Conwy (Y gist gymunedol) a'r Co-op (Cronfa Gymunedol yr Aelodau) cafwyd gosod tair ffenest newydd ar yr adeilad. Maen't wedi ei gwneud o bren caled, gyda gwydr wedi ei gryfhau.
Following a successful application for funding to Cartrefi Conwy(Community Chest) and the Co-op (Membership Community Fund) three new windows have been fitted to the building. They are made of hardwood and contain strengthened glass.

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 75 click throughs, 66530 views since start of 2024