Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Agoriad Swyddogol y Ganolfan GT / Official Opening of the IT Suite


Cafwyd agoriad swyddogol ar b'nawn Dydd Iau y 15 fed o Ragfyr 2011.
Cefnogwyd gan nifer dda o drigolion lleol a hefyd cynrychiolwyr o'r mudiadau a gyfranodd arian tuag at wneud y brosiect yn bosibl.
The official opening occured on Thusday afternoon of the 15th December 2011.
It was supported by a good number of local residents and also representatives of the organisations that had contributed financially towards the project.


Ers dechrau cyrsiau yn y Ganolfan yma yn Llansannan, hyd yma mae 75 o wahanol unigolion wedi cael profiad o ddefnyddio'r offer.Yma mae Peter Lewis yn siarad am ei gysylltiad ac ariannu rhai o'r cyrsiau.
Since courses started at the Ganolfan here in Llansannan around 75 individuals have had the experience of using the facilities. Here, Peter Lewis is speaking about his connection with financing some of the courses.


Berwyn Evans yn diolch i bawb am wneud y brosiect yn un llwyddianus.
Berwyn Evans thanking everyone that had contributed towards making thi project a success.


Daeth y mwyafrif o'r arian o Wren ac yma mae Tom Griffiths yn rhoi esiamplau o'r mathau o brosiectau y gall ei fudiad gefnogi efo cyfraniadau ariannol.
The bulk of the funding was provided by Wren and here Tom Griffiths is outlining the type of projects that his organisation are able to assist financially

Agoriad Swyddogol y Ganolfan GT / Official Opening of the IT Suite Statistics: 0 click throughs, 455 views since start of 2024

Agor Canolfan TG Menter Bro  Aled.jpgAgoriad Swyddogol y Ganolfan GT / Official Opening of the IT Suite

Yn y llun, o'r chwith i'r dde, Emyr Jones, (ATEB-Cyflenwr yr offer) Peter Lewis (Conwy), Iwan Evans
( Partneriaeth Datblygu Gwledig), Tom Griffiths a Meleri Jones (Wren), a Berwyn Evans (Menter Bro Aled)
In the photo, from left to right, Emyr Jones, (ATEB- Equipment supplier), Peter Lewis (Conwy), Iwan Evans ( Rural Development Partnership), Tom Griffiths and Meleri Jones (Wren), and Berwyn Evans (Menter Bro Aled)

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 75 click throughs, 66533 views since start of 2024