Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Polisi ymateb i gwynion gan aelodau o'r cyhoedd yn erbyn Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan. Complaint proceedures for members of the public wishing to complain against Llansannan Community Council.

Polisi Cwyno

Adran 1 - Rhagymadrodd

1.1 Diben y Polisi Pryderon a Chwynion

1.1.1 Mae gweledigaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i wella gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yng Nghymru wedi ei chofnodi’n dda ac mae’n cydnabod bod systemau cwyno a gwneud iawn yn gallu gwneud cyfraniad pwysig tuag at wella’r gwasanaethau hynny.

1.1.2 O ddatblygu’r polisi yma ar gyfer delio â phryderon a chwynion mae Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn bwriadu glynu wrth ddarparwyr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus drwy fabwysiadu:
• egwyddorion cyffredin i ymdrin yn effeithiol â phryderon a chwynion
• model cyffredin i ddelio â phryderon a chwynion.
• gweithdrefnau casglu data cyffredin
• dulliau cyffredin er mwyn dysgu o bryderon a chwynion
• ffordd gyffredin o ddynodi a lledaenu arferion da.

O hyn ymlaen, lle bynnag y ceir cyfeiriad at ‘bryder’ neu gŵyn’ mae’n cyfeirio
at ‘bryder a chwyn’, y naill a’r llall.

Adran 2 – Diffiniad ac Egwyddorion

2.1 Beth yw Cwyn?

2.1.1 Cwyn yw:

Mynegiant o anfodlonrwydd neu bryder, naill ar bapur neu ar lafar neu drwy unrhyw ffordd arall o gyfathrebu, gan un neu ragor o aelodau o’r cyhoedd am weithred Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan neu ddiffyg gweithredu. Neu anfodlonrwydd neu bryder ynglŷn â safon y gwasanaeth a ddarperir lle mae angen ymateb boed am y darparwr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, rhywun sy’n gweithredu ar ei ran, neu bartneriaeth o ddarparwyr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus.

2.1.2 Nid cwyn yw:
• cais cychwynnol am wasanaeth, megis rhoi gwybod am olau stryd diffygiol
• apêl yn erbyn penderfyniad sydd ‘wedi ei wneud yn briodol’ gan y Cyngor Cymuned
• ffordd o geisio newid deddfwriaeth neu benderfyniad polisi sydd ‘wedi ei wneud yn briodol’
• ffordd i grwpiau/mudiadau lobïo er mwyn hyrwyddo achos.

2.1.3 ‘Aelod o’r cyhoedd’ yw unrhyw un sy’n derbyn gwasanaeth gan y darparwr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus dan sylw neu, yn wir, y gwadir iddo wasanaeth y mae ganddo hawl iddo – gall hyn fod yn unigolyn neu’n grŵp o bobl.

2.1.4 Penderfyniad sydd ‘wedi ei wneud yn briodol’ yw un lle dilynwyd y deddfau, y polisïau a’r gweithdrefnau perthnasol wrth ddod i benderfyniad.

2.2 Egwyddorion er mwyn delio â chwynion

2.2.1 Mae tri cham i Bolisi Cwynion y Cyngor Cymuned :
* cam anffurfiol (lle caiff cwynion eu codi’n gyntaf gyda staff rheng flaen / Aelod);
* cam ffurfiol lle cyflwynir cwyn yn ffurfiol ar bapur; a’r
* trydydd cam lle caiff y cwyn ei hystyried yn annibynnol.

2.2.2 Pan fydd rhywun yn cwyno, mae ganddo bob amser broblem ynglŷn â gwasanaeth sydd wedi ei ddarparu neu na chafodd ei ddarparu. Mae angen ymdrin â’r
cwynion mewn ffordd sy’n golygu mai ar yr achwynydd y mae’r ffocws, nid ar y
broses ei hun. Yn y cyd-destun hwn y dylid rhoi’r egwyddorion canlynol ar waith.

(i) Hygyrch a Syml

• Digon o gyhoeddusrwydd.
• Hawdd dod o hyd iddo, ei ddeall a’i ddefnyddio – i’r cyhoedd a’r staff.
• Cyfarwyddiadau syml a chlir i’r cyhoedd ar sut mae gwneud cwyn.
• Bod y polisi’n ddigon hyblyg i ateb anghenion pobl, gan sicrhau nad yw’r rhai sy’n wynebu her o ran mynediad yn cael eu heithrio.
• Ei fod yn darparu gwybodaeth am wasanaethau eiriolaeth a chefnogaeth.
• Bod cyn lleied â phosibl o gamau yn y broses delio â chwynion.

(ii) Teg a Diduedd

• Bod cwynion yn cael eu trin mewn ffordd ystyriol a diduedd.
• Bod sicrwydd yn cael ei roi i achwynwyr na fydd gwneud cwyn yn effeithio’n andwyol ar eu cyswllt â’r Cyngor Cymuned yn y dyfodol.
• Mae’n sicrhau bod achwynwyr yn derbyn ymateb llawn a bod y penderfyniadau yn gymesur, yn briodol ac yn deg.
• Mae’r staff neu’r Aelodau y cwynir amdanynt yn cael eu trin yr un mor deg â’r achwynwyr.

(iii) Amserol, Effeithiol a Chyson

• O fewn terfynau’r hyn sy’n briodol ac yn bosibl, dylai staff/ Aelodau rheng flaen geisio datrys cwynion
• ‘Ymchwilio Unwaith, Ymchwilio’n Dda’ – pan fydd angen ymchwilio’n ffurfiol i gŵyn, dylai hyn gael ei wneud yn drylwyr i sefydlu ffeithiau.
• Delio â chwyn mor gyflym â phosibl. Fel arfer, ni ddylai gymryd mwy nag 20 diwrnod gwaith o’r adeg y daw’r gŵyn i law yn y Cam Ffurfiol hyd nes y caiff ei datrys. Os yw cwyn yn fwy cymhleth, dylid dweud wrth achwynwyr pam y gallai gymryd mwy o amser i ymchwilio iddi a pha mor hir y disgwylir i hynny ei gymryd. Dylid rhoi gwybod yn rheolaidd i’r achwynwyr a’r staff dan sylw sut mae’r broses yn mynd rhagddi.
• Dylai fod yn gyson fel bod pobl mewn amgylchiadau tebyg yn cael eu trin
mewn ffyrdd tebyg.
• Ymdrinnir â chwynion sy’n ymwneud â mwy nag un darparwr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn y fath fodd fel mai profiad o un system yn unig a gaiff yr achwynydd.

(iv) Atebol

• Mae’n darparu esboniadau gonest, wedi eu seilio ar dystiolaeth, ac yn rhoi rhesymau am benderfyniadau.
• Caiff gwybodaeth ei darparu mewn ffordd glir ac agored.
• Pan ganfyddir bod cyfiawnhad i bryderon, fel sy’n briodol, mae’r Cyngor Cymuned yn:
- cydnabod camgymeriadau
- ymddiheuro mewn ffordd ystyrlon
- cywiro pethau
- gwneud iawn yn ddiymdroi, yn briodol ac yn gymesur.
• Caiff hynt y broses ei dilyn i sicrhau bod unrhyw benderfyniadau’n cael eu gweithredu’n gywir ac yn ddiymdroi.
• Lle mae hynny’n briodol, dywedir wrth yr achwynydd pa wersi a ddysgwyd a pha newidiadau a wnaed i’r gwasanaeth, i ganllawiau neu i bolisi.
• Mae’n sicrhau bod gwybodaeth yn cael ei rhoi i achwynwyr am eu hawl i
gwyno i Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Cymru (neu am lwybrau
arall sy’n agored iddynt, er enghraifft, Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg yng
nghyswllt cwynion am gydymffurfio â Chynlluniau Iaith Gymraeg, y
Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol).

(v) Yn Sicrhau Gwelliant Parhaus

• Mae’r gwersi a ddysgir o gwynion yn cael eu casglu a defnyddir adborth i wella’r ffordd y caiff gwasanaethau eu cynllunio a’u darparu.
• Mae systemau wedi eu sefydlu i gofnodi, dadansoddi ac adrodd ar yr hyn sy’n cael ei ddysgu yn sgil pryderon.
• Mae Aelodau’r Cyngor Cymuned yn:
- cymryd perchenogaeth dros y broses gwyno
- adolygu a chraffu ar effeithiolrwydd y broses yn rheolaidd
- derbyn adroddiadau monitro rheolaidd ar gwynion
- dangos beth mae’r sefydliad wedi’i wneud i wella’r ffordd y caiff gwasanaethau eu cyflwyno o ganlyniad i gwynion.
• Mae gan reoleiddwyr rÔl bwysig i sicrhau bod y gwersi a ddysgir yn sgil codi pryderon yn cael eu gweithredu a’u cynnal yn foddhaol.

(vi) Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth
Bydd pob gweithred a phenderfyniad dan y polisi hwn yn ystyried y prif ddeddfwriaethau o ran cydraddoldeb a’r Iaith Gymraeg. Mae’r rheiny yn cynnwys:
• Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010
• Deddf Hawliau Dynol 1998
• Deddf yr Iaith Gymraeg 1993 a Mesur Iaith Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011

Adran 3 – Trefniadau Ymdrin â Chwynion

3.1 Y nod yw ymdrin â chwynion yn defnyddio dulliau syml a hyblyg sy’n rhoi pwyslais ar gael y canlyniad mwyaf priodol i unigolion a gwasanaethau. Bydd Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn delio â chwynion mewn ffordd ragweithiol drwy ganolbwyntio ar anghenion pobl ac nid ar y broses gwyno ei hun.

3.2 Drwy fabwysiadau dull o’r fath bydd Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn cadw at drefniadau sydd eisoes yn cael eu gweithredu gan y sector cyhoeddus; trefniadau sy’n hwyluso pethau wrth ddelio â chwynion sy’n ymwneud â mwy nag un darparwr gwasanaethau.

3.3 Datganiad Ymrwymiad

3.3.1 Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi egwyddor i wasanaethau
cyhoeddus ar wneud iawn (Creu’r Cysylltiadau – Creu Gwell Gwasanaethau i
Gwsmeriaid, Mawrth 2007). Dyma’r maen prawf i’r polisi cwynion enghreifftiol ac,
wrth fabwysiadu’r model, mae Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn cyhoeddi datganiad ymrwymiad fel a ganlyn:

“Bydd pobl yn ei chael yn hawdd cwyno a chael pethau wedi eu cywiro pan
nad yw’r gwasanaeth y maent yn ei gael yn ddigon da.”

3.4 Pwy gaiff gyflwyno cwyn?

3.4.1 Gall unrhyw aelod o’r cyhoedd, yn cynnwys plentyn, sydd wedi derbyn, neu a oedd â hawl i dderbyn, gwasanaeth oddi wrth y Cyngor Cymuned wneud cwyn. Mae’r un peth yn wir os ydynt wedi dioddef oherwydd gweithredu amhriodol neu ddiffyg gweithredu gan y Cyngor Cymuned.

3.4.2 Pan fydd unigolyn ifanc neu blentyn yn mynegi pryder, rhaid i’r Cyngor Cymuned roi iddynt y cymorth y gall fod eu hangen arnynt er mwyn iddynt allu mynd â’u pryder i’r cam nesaf. Dylai hyn gynnwys gwneud unigolyn ifanc neu blentyn yn ymwybodol o’r cymorth y gellid ei dderbyn gan Gomisiynydd Plant Cymru.

3.4.3 Gall pryder gael ei gyflwyno hefyd ar ran rhywun arall, fel:
(a) rhywun sydd wedi marw
(b) plentyn
(c) y rhai nad yw’r gallu ganddynt (yn unol â diffiniad Deddf Galluoedd Meddyliol
(ch) bod y sawl yr effeithiwyd arno wedi gofyn iddo wneud hynny.
(Yn achos (b), (c) ac (ch), mae’n rhaid i’r Cyngor Cymuned fodloni, cyn belled ag y mae amgylchiadau’r sawl yr effeithiwyd arno yn caniatáu hynny, fod y cynrychiolydd yn gweithredu gydag awdurdod y person ac, os yw’n bosibl, derbyn llofnod y person hwnnw i gadarnhau hyn).

3.4.4 Nid yw’r weithdrefn hon, fodd bynnag, yn gyfrwng i aelod staff godi materion
cyflogaeth. Mae mecanweithiau mewnol eraill ar gyfer y math yma o bryder, er
enghraifft, gweithdrefnau chwythu’r chwiban, bwlio neu gwyno.

3.5 Swyddogaethau

3.5.1 Dylai Aelodau’r Cyngor Cymuned sicrhau bod y polisi’n cael ei fabwysiadu a’i roi ar waith. Nid yw’n briodol i’r Cyngor llawn fod yn rhan o’r ymchwiliad i gwynion unigol. Fodd bynnag, fe ddylai’r Cyngor llawn dderbyn adroddiadau ar y nifer a’r mathau o gwynion sydd wedi dod i law, eu canlyniadau ac unrhyw gam unioni a gymerir o ganlyniad. Mater i’r Cyngor Cymuned yw penderfynu pa mor aml y dylid derbyn
adroddiadau o’r fath; fodd bynnag, fe ddylai hyn fod o leiaf ddwywaith y flwyddyn.

3.5.2 Clerc y Cyngor Cymuned sy’n gyfrifol am sicrhau bod y polisi’n cael ei fabwysiadu a bod y canllawiau’n cael eu dilyn.

3.5.3 Y Clerc sy’n gyfrifol am gyd-drefnu ymatebion i bob cwyn na chaiff ei datrys yn ystod y cam anffurfiol. I hwyluso pethau, caiff y swyddogaeth hon ei disgrifio fel y ‘sawl sy’n delio â chwynion yn ganolog’. Y Clerc hefyd sy’n gyfrifol am ddarparu ymateb safonol cyson i achwynwyr.

3.6 Adnoddau

3.6.1 Bydd y Cyngor Cymuned yn sicrhau bod yr adnoddau angenrheidiol ar gael i weithredu’r polisi hwn. Mae hyn yn cynnwys:

• staff (yn cynnwys cymorth gweinyddol, os oes rhaid)
• hyfforddiant
• systemau gweinyddol i ymdrin â chwynion.

3.7 Hygyrchedd a chyhoeddusrwydd y drefn gwyno

3.7.1 Bydd Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn sicrhau fod y drefn gwyno yn hygyrch i bawb.

3.7.2 I gyflawni hyn bydd y Cyngor Cymuned yn:

Sicrhau fod y ‘Datganiad Ymrwymiad ynglŷn â Chwynion’ a’r broses gwyno yn derbyn
cyhoeddusrwydd eang. Bydd hyn yn cael ei wneud drwy:

• Hyrwyddo’r weithdrefn ynghyd â’r manylion cyswllt priodol yn rheolaidd yn Y Gadlas.
• cynhyrchu taflen wybodaeth ddwyieithog am gwynion
• bydd y daflen ar gael ym mhob derbynfa gyhoeddus ac ardaloedd ‘cyffredin’ lle gallai defnyddwyr gwasanaeth fynd iddynt. Bydd hefyd ar gael i staff ac Aelodau’r Cyngor.
• dylai’r taflenni fod ar gael yn swyddfeydd sefydliadau cynghori ac eiriolaeth ardal Llansannan
• bydd y drefn gwyno yn cael ei chyhoeddi ar ran amlwg o wefan y Cyngor.

O ran hygyrchedd, bydd y Cyngor Cymuned yn:

• darparu’r wybodaeth am y drefn gwyno ar fformatau eraill fel ar CD, mewn print bras a Braille ac ati
• darparu’r dogfennau sylfaenol yn ieithoedd ethnig mwyaf cyffredin yr ardal i dynnu eu sylw at fodolaeth y drefn gwyno
• trefnu gwasanaethau cyfieithu/dehongli (yn cynnwys Iaith Arwyddo Prydain) yn Ôl yr angen.

Efallai y bydd y Cyngor Cymuned yn cysylltu â swyddfa Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol Cymru i dderbyn cyngor ar faterion hygyrchedd.

I’r rhai y gallai fod angen cyngor/cymorth arnynt i wneud eu cwyn, bydd gan Gyngor Cymuned Llansannan restr gynhwysfawr o sefydliadau cynghori ac
eiriolaeth berthnasol. Fe ddylid darparu cyngor i achwynwyr sydd angen / yn gofyn am gymorth o ran y sefydliad(au) mwyaf addas i’w helpu. (Gellid seilio penderfyniad ynglŷn â pha sefydliad fyddai yn y sefyllfa orau i helpu ar natur y gŵyn, neu ar natur unrhyw anfantais y mae’r achwynydd yn ei hwynebu - e.e. iaith, anabledd). Bydd Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn sicrhau bod pob defnyddiwr gwasanaeth yn cael yr un mynediad.

3.8 Y daflen wybodaeth am gwynion/y ffurflen gwyno

3.8.1 Mae geiriad y taflenni gwybodaeth Cymraeg a Saesneg yn dilyn Polisi Pryderon a Chwynion enghreifftiol Llywodraeth Cymru.

3.8.2 Wrth godi pryder, fe ddylai pobl gwblhau ffurflen gwyno naill ai'r fersiwn
brintiedig neu’r fersiwn sydd ar y we (gwelwch Atodiad A).

3.8.3 Fodd bynnag, mae’n bosib y byddai’n well gan bobl gyflwyno eu cwyn dros y ffÔn,
dros e-bost neu’n bersonol (neu drwy gyfrwng arall). Wrth wneud hynny dylai staff / Aelodau sy’n ymdrin â’r gŵyn sicrhau eu bod wedi casglu’r un wybodaeth â'r hyn a ofynnir amdano ar y ffurflen gwyno a sicrhau eu bod yn cofnodi’r wybodaeth yn briodol.

3.9 Y dref gwyno

Cam 1 – Datrys Anffurfiol

Mae’r cam hwn yn cynnig y cyfle i gysylltu’n anffurfiol yn y man lle caiff y gwasanaeth ei gyflwyno i geisio datrys cwynion un ai pan fydd y pryder yn codi neu’n fuan iawn wedyn. Dylai’r cam hwn fod yn rhan annatod o ddarparu gwasanaeth rheng flaen ac nid rhywbeth sy’n gwbl ar wahân iddo. Fel rheol y cam cyntaf yw eglurhad neu weithred unioni briodol arall gan staff / Aelodau.

• Dylid awdurdodi staff/ Aelodau a’u hyfforddi i ddelio â chwynion fel y byddant yn codi er mwyn ceisio datrys problemau yn y fan a’r lle. Gellir darparu’r hyfforddiant hwn yn ystod eu cyfnod cynefino.
• Dylid hyfforddi staff/ Aelodau i sylweddoli pa mor ddifrifol yw cwyn a deall pryd y dylid cyfeirio cwyn at aelod uwch o’r Cyngor.
• Mae’n bosib y bydd staff/ Aelodau yn derbyn cwynion am wasanaeth na wnelo nhw mohono. Yn yr achosion hynny fe ddylen nhw gyfeirio’r achwynydd at y sawl sy’n delio â chwynion yn y Cyngor Sir, a fydd wedyn yn gallu rhoi cyngor priodol i’r achwynydd.
• Rhaid i staff roi gwybod i achwynwyr sut mae symud ymlaen â’u cwyn i’r cam ymchwilio ffurfiol, os nad ydynt yn fodlon â’r canlyniad ar ddiwedd y cam anffurfiol.
• Efallai y bydd achwynwyr am i’w cwyn gael ei rhoi ‘ar y trywydd cyflym’ i fynd ar ei union i ymchwiliad mewnol (Cam 2). Gallai hynny ddigwydd os bu anghytuno gyda staff / Aelod sy’n uniongyrchol gyfrifol am ddarparu’r gwasanaeth. Mae gan yr achwynydd yr hawl i fynd â’i gŵyn yn uniongyrchol i Gam 2.
• Dylai staff/ Aelodau rheng flaen gael eu hyfforddi a’u hannog i ddarparu gwybodaeth
briodol am gymorth cynghori ac eiriolaeth yn ystod Cam 1. Fodd bynnag, cydnabyddir na fydd ganddynt efallai (ac na ellid disgwyl iddynt feddu ar) wybodaeth eang o bob sefydliad sy’n cynnig cymorth.
• Dylai’r sawl sy’n delio â chwynion yn ganolog gynorthwyo staff rheng flaen i ddatrys cwynion yn lleol.

Dylid cwblhau’r cam datrys anffurfiol cyn gynted â phosibl ac yn sicr ni
ddylai gymryd mwy na 10 diwrnod gwaith. Dyma enghreifftiau o’r math o bryder y gellir ei ddatrys ar y cam datrys lleol:

• arhosfa fysiau angen ei glanhau
• sgip ei osod yn y lle cywir.

Fodd bynnag, dyma enghreifftiau o’r math o gŵyn na ddylai gael ei datrys ar y cam
• os oes a wnelo’r gŵyn â methiant gan y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol i ddiogelu plant
• os yw’r achwynydd yn credu y bu methiant mewn triniaeth iechyd sydd wedi arwain at ganlyniadau difrifol
• os oes a wnelo’r pryder â materion lle mae’n ymddangos bod gwasanaeth wedi methu oherwydd problem systemig amlwg.

Cam 2 Ymchwilio Mewnol Ffurfiol

‘Ymchwilio unwaith, ymchwilio’n dda’ yw egwyddor y cam hwn. Mae’r pwyslais yn cael ei roi ar un ymchwiliad i ddelio’n drylwyr â’r pryderon a godwyd, yn hytrach nag ar amryw o ymchwiliadau ar wahanol lefelau yn y sefydliad sy’n gallu arwain at ymchwiliadau hir ac, weithiau, penagored. Fodd bynnag, mae elfen Cam 2 y broses gwyno wedi ei bwriadu i fod yn hyblyg i ymateb yn briodol i’r gŵyn. Mae ‘ymchwilio’n dda’ hefyd yn golygu cynnal ymchwiliad mewn ffordd sy’n addas i natur a difrifoldeb y gŵyn. Mae hyn yn golygu na fydd angen, efallai, i’r ymchwiliad i’r cwynion hynny nad ydynt mor ddifrifol eu natur fod mor fanwl. Dyma sut y dylid ymdrin â chwyn ar Gam 2.

• Dylai cwynion Cam 2 gael eu hanfon gan yr achwynydd at y sawl sy’n delio â chwynion yn ganolog yn y sefydliad. Dylai unrhyw aelod staff / Aelod, nad yw’n swyddog sy’n delio â chwynion yn ganolog, sy’n derbyn ffurflen gwyno ei hanfon ymlaen yn syth.
• Ar Ôl derbyn cwyn yn ffurfiol ar Gam 2, dylai’r salw sy’n delio â’r cwyn yn ganolog anfon cydnabyddiaeth cyn gynted â phosibl (o fewn pum diwrnod gwaith fan bellaf).
• Os yw’r gŵyn ‘allan o amser’ – h.y. fod y mater y mae’r gŵyn amdano yn hŷn
na chwe mis (o’r adeg y daeth yr achwynydd yn ymwybodol o’r broblem), dylid ystyried a oes rhesymau da dros ei derbyn.
• Dylai’r Clerc drafod y mater gyda’r achwynydd, gan:
-helpu’r sawl sy’n cwyno i ddeall y broses cadarnhau’r dull cyfathrebu y mae’n ei ffafrio a’r hyn -y mae am iddo ddigwydd o ganlyniad i’r gŵyn
darparu gwybodaeth am wasanaethau eiriolaeth a chynghori perthnasol os oes angen help ar yr achwynydd i wneud ei gŵyn.
•-Yn dibynnu ar natur y gŵyn gall fod yn angenrheidiol derbyn caniatâd yr achwynydd i weld eu ffeil bersonol. Os bydd yr achwynydd yn gwrthod rhoi caniatâd, yna dylid esbonio iddynt y bydd hyn yn effeithio ar y gallu i gynnal ymchwiliad trwyadl.
-Os yw’r achwynydd yn cwyno ar ran rhywun arall, bydd yn rhaid ystyried a oes angen caniatâd i ymchwilio i’r gŵyn.
-Ar Ôl bodloni ei hun ei fod wedi deall manylion y gŵyn yn ddigonol, fe ddylai’r Clerc:
- raddio pa mor ddifrifol yw’r gŵyn er mwyn penderfynu ar y lefel briodol o ymchwiliad
- penodi unigolyn sydd â phrofiad, hygrededd ac sy’n annibynnol ar ffynhonnell y gŵyn i gynnal yr ymchwiliad:
- yng Nghyngor Cymuned Llansannan, sydd ag ond un aelod o staff, derbynnir mai’r Clerc yn aml fydd â’r rÔl o ‘ddatrys yn anffurfiol ar y rheng flaen’ ac y gallai’r Cadeirydd/ neu is-bwyllgor y Cyngor ysgwyddo rÔl yr ‘ymchwiliwr’ os bydd angen.

- Ar Ôl cofnodi’r gŵyn ar y system ymdrin â chwynion wedi iddynt ddod i law, dylai’r Clerc gadw llygad ar hynt yr ymchwiliad (a chadw cofnod) a bod yn gyfrifol am sicrhau ei fod yn mynd rhagddo’n esmwyth, ac y cedwir at y terfynau amser. Fel arfer dylai proses gwyno cam 2 gael ei chwblhau o fewn 20 diwrnod gwaith. Lle nad yw hyn yn bosibl, rhaid rhoi gwybod i achwynwyr am y rhesymau ac iddynt gytuno i unrhyw estyniad. Sut bynnag, dylai fod cyswllt rheolaidd â’r achwynydd, i roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am hynt yr achos.

- Gall achwynwyr dynnu eu pryder yn Ôl unrhyw bryd, ond, mae’n bosib y bydd y darparwr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn dal yn ymchwilio os yw’n teimlo ei bod yn angenrheidiol gwneud hynny.

- Argymhellir bod Clerc yn cynhyrchu portffolio o ddogfennau/templedi enghreifftiol i helpu’r rhai sy’n ymwneud â’r broses gwyno. Gallai’r rhain gynnwys:

-ffurflen i staff rheng flaen i gofnodi cwynion perthnasol ar y cam anffurfiol
(bydd y rhain yn berthnasol i unrhyw gwyn a fydd yn mynd ymlaen i Gam 2)
- llythyr cydnabod
- fframwaith ar gyfer llythyrau ‘diweddaru’ at yr achwynydd
- llythyrau yn gofyn am gyfweliad (e.e. ar gyfer yr ymchwiliwr pan fydd gofyn am gyfarfodydd gyda’r staff / Aelodau dan sylw)
- templed adroddiadau ymchwilio.

Ymchwiliadau i Gwynion

Dylai ymchwiliad i gŵyn fod yn ymarferiad canfod ffeithiau sy’n ddiduedd, yn agored, yn dryloyw ac yn gymesur â difrifoldeb y gŵyn. Gyda chwynion difrifol, mae angen llunio cynllun fel bod modd ymchwilio’n systematig i’r gŵyn.
Fodd bynnag, er bod y gŵyn wedi cyrraedd y Cam Mewnol Ffurfiol, efallai fod potensial o hyd i ddatrys y pryder mewn modd sy’n bodloni’r achwynydd drwy ‘ateb cyflym’ a heb orfod ymgymryd ag ymchwiliad llawn a maith. Dylech ystyried a yw hyn yn bosibl.

Dylid ystyried hefyd a fyddai cyfarfodydd wyneb yn wyneb a/neu gyfryngu yn
ffordd o ddatrys y gŵyn.

Gall casglu tystiolaeth gynnwys:
- gohebiaeth (llythyrau a negeseuon e-bost)
- nodiadau o sgyrsiau dros y ffÔn
- polisïau a gweithdrefnau’r sefydliad
- canllawiau ymarfer da
- cofnodion (yn cynnwys y rheiny sy’n ymwneud yn benodol â’r gŵyn dan sylw
a chofnodion hyfforddi staff sy’n ymwneud â’r gŵyn)
- deddfwriaeth
- cyfweliadau (yn cynnwys nodiadau manwl)
- cynlluniau ac ymweliadau safle
- tystiolaeth ffotograffig
- recordiadau mewn gwahanol fformatau (e.e. ffÔn, fideo, Teledu Cylch
- derbyn cyngor proffesiynol/arbenigol
- cofnodion hyfforddi staff perthnasol.

• Dylai argymhellion sy’n deillio o ymchwiliadau fod yn CAMPUS (Cyraeddadwy, Amserol, Mesuradwy, Penodol, Uchelgeisiol, Synhwyrol).

Ar ddiwedd ymchwiliad, dylai canlyniad ysgrifenedig, megis llythyr neu e-bost, gael ei gynhyrchu ac, mewn achosion mwy difrifol, adroddiad. Lle caiff adroddiad ei gynhyrchu dylid cynnwys, lle bo’n briodol:
- cwmpas yr ymchwiliad
- crynodeb o’r ymchwiliad:
- manylion y materion allweddol, yn nodi cronoleg y digwyddiadau a arweiniodd at y gŵyn
- y rhai a gafodd eu cyfweld (yn cynnwys nodi i ba raddau y bu gan yr achwynydd ac, os yw’n briodol, unrhyw berthynas, eiriolwr, ac ati a effeithiwyd arnynt, ran yn yr ymchwiliad)
- y casgliad
- os canfyddir bod cyfiawnhad i’r gŵyn
- sut y digwyddodd – h.y. beth aeth o le
- pam y digwyddodd – h.y. achos sylfaenol y broblem (e.e. camgymeriad dynol, methiant systemig)
- pa effaith a gafodd ar yr achwynydd
- os oes methiant systemig wedi ei ganfod, eglurhad o’r camau a gymerwyd i gywiro pethau, gyda golwg ar sicrhau nad yw’r un broblem yn digwydd eto
- os yw’n briodol, ymddiheuriad
- os yw’n briodol, cynnig gwneud iawn
- os nad yw’r gŵyn wedi ei chadarnhau, dylid esbonio pam y daethpwyd i’r casgliad hwn, gan ddangos y daethpwyd iddo ar sail y dystiolaeth a gasglwyd

- drwyddo draw dylai’r adroddiad ddangos bod y gŵyn wedi ei chymryd o ddifrif o’r dechrau i’r diwedd, fod yr ymchwiliad a gynhaliwyd wedi bod yn deg ac, yn unol â difrifoldeb y gŵyn, ei fod wedi bod yn drwyadl i raddau cymesur

- Hyd yn oed mewn achosion lle mae ymchwiliad yn cadarnhau’r gŵyn ac yn cynnig gwneud iawn, efallai y bydd yr achwynydd yn dal yn anfodlon am ryw reswm. Felly, ym mhob achos, dylai’r adroddiad hysbysu’r achwynydd fod ganddo’r hawl, os yw’n dal yn anfodlon, i ofyn am i’w gŵyn gael ei hystyried yn allanol yn annibynnol. Dylid darparu gwybodaeth am sut i gyflwyno cwyn i Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Cymru ac eraill sy’n delio â chwynion gan gynnwys Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg.

Y camau terfynol

Cyfeiriwyd eisoes at y ffaith y bydd cwynion yn amrywio o ran eu difrifoldeb. Bydd Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn penderfynu ar ba lefel y gellir gwneud penderfyniadau ar yr argymhellion yn yr adroddiad a phwy ddylai lofnodi bod y gŵyn ar ben (h.y. pwy ddylai lofnodi unrhyw adroddiad neu lythyr).

Bydd adegau pan fyddai’n briodol i’r Clerc wneud hynny, ar adegau eraill y Cadeirydd fydd yn gyfrifol. Hefyd, yn ddelfrydol dylai’r Cadeirydd weld copi o’r holl ohebiaeth derfynol a gaiff eu hanfon mewn perthynas â chwynion Cam 2.

Mewn achosion lle mae cwyn wedi ei chadarnhau neu lle mae problem systemig
amlwg, dylai’r Cyngor llawn sicrhau bod cynllun gweithredu’n cael ei lunio, yn nodi sut y caiff yr argymhellion eu gweithredu ac yn enwi’r sawl a fydd yn gyfrifol am eu gweithredu. Pan fydd yn effeithio ar staff rheng flaen, dylent gael eu cynnwys yn y broses hon. Dylai’r cynllun hefyd gynnwys trefniadau ar gyfer cadarnhau i’r achwynydd bod newidiadau wedi eu gweithredu a gwneud darpariaeth i fonitro a gwerthuso trefniadau newydd a gaiff eu cyflwyno er mwyn asesu eu heffaith.

Pan gaiff achos cwyno ei gau, dylai’r Clerc sicrhau bod y dogfennau gwaith a ddefnyddiwyd yn ystod yr ymchwiliad yn drefnus ac wedi eu cadw’n ddiogel. Os daw’r gŵyn yn destun ymchwiliad allanol pellach, megis gan Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Cymru, efallai y bydd angen y dogfennau gwaith hyn fel tystiolaeth y darparwr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Dylid cadw cofnodion achosion cwyno am o leiaf flwyddyn ar Ôl cau’r achos ar ddiwedd Cam 2.

Person Annibynnol

I rai ymchwiliadau, ystyrir weithiau ei bod yn briodol cynnwys person annibynnol yn
ymchwiliad Cam 2. Cyfrifoldeb y Clerc yw sicrhau bod gan y sefydliad gronfa o bobl addas i alw arnynt yn Ôl yr angen.

Cwynion sy’n Cynnwys Achosion Cyfreithiol neu Ddisgyblu Eraill

Weithiau, daw cwynion i law a fydd yn cynnwys achosion cyfreithiol neu ddisgyblu.
O bryd i’w gilydd efallai y bydd yn rhaid oedi cyn ymchwilio i gŵyn nes bydd yr achosion
hynny wedi dod i ben. Fodd bynnag, ni ddylid tybio fod hyn yn angenrheidiol ym mhob achos. Dylid gwneud asesiad (gan geisio cyngor cyfreithiol, os yw hynny’n briodol) i ganfod a yw’n bosibl ymdrin â thestun y gŵyn heb effeithio’n annheg ar yr achosion eraill sydd ar y gweill. Mae’n bwysig, os yw achwynydd o dan anfantais barhaus o ganlyniad i ddarparu gwasanaethau’n wael, fod pob cam yn cael ei gymryd i ddod â’r rhan hon o’r gŵyn i ben. Bydd hyn yn golygu, os caiff y gŵyn ei chadarnhau, y dangoswyd bod y sefydliad yn gwneud popeth a all i’w roi’n Ôl mor gyflym â phosibl yn y sefyllfa y byddai wedi bod ynddi pe na bai’r methiant hwnnw wedi digwydd yn y lle cyntaf.

Cwynion yn ymwneud â mwy nag un darparwr gwasanaethau

Mae adegau pan fydd cwyn a ddaw i law yn ymwneud â mwy nag un sefydliad.
Mewn achos felly bydd rÔl y Clerc yn wahanol. Ar Ôl sefydlu elfennau’r gŵyn a pha sefydliadau yw’r rhai perthnasol, dylai gysylltu â’i swyddog(ion) cyfatebol yn y sefydliad(au) arall/eraill dan sylw. Dylai’r swyddogion cwynion wedyn benderfynu pa un ohonynt ddylai arwain y gwaith o gyd-drefnu’r ymateb i’r achwynydd. Byddai’n ymddangos yn synhwyrol mai’r sefydliad sydd â’r rhan fwyaf yn y gŵyn ddylai wneud hyn. Fodd bynnag, efallai y bydd yn briodol i’r sefydliad sydd â’r adnodd mwyaf i ddelio â chwynion ymgymryd â’r rÔl hon.

RÔl y swyddog cwynion a neilltuir i’r gŵyn dan sylw yw cyd-drefnu’r ymchwiliadau ym
mhob un o’r meysydd gwasanaeth dan sylw. Y nod yn y pen draw, felly, yw darparu
un ymateb ‘cyfun’ cynhwysfawr i’r achwynydd ar ran yr holl sefydliadau dan sylw.
Ceir cwynion lle mae pob elfen yn ddigon amlwg a gwahanol fel mai’r cyfan a fydd
yn ofynnol yw nodi manylion a chanlyniad pob llinyn ymchwilio ac ychwanegu
casgliad cyffredinol at yr ymateb.

Fodd bynnag, cydnabyddir y bydd rhai achosion lle bydd gofyn am gytundeb gan bawb dan sylw er mwyn datrys ac unioni cwyn ac y gallai hyn arwain at densiynau ac anghytuno. Lle mae anghytuno o’r fath yn golygu na ellir parhau, efallai y bydd rhaid cyfeirio’r broblem at Gadeirydd y Cyngor Cymuned / reolwyr y sefydliadau hyn i geisio datrys y sefyllfa.

Lle nad oes modd datrys yr anghytuno, efallai mai doeth fydd cyfeirio’r mater at y corff annibynnol allanol perthnasol i ddelio â chwynion ar Gam 3 (e.e. Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Cymru). Fodd bynnag, dylid dweud wrth yr achwynydd am y bwriad hwn, ynghyd â’r rheswm drosto, a dylid gofyn iddo gytuno i hynny cyn cyfeirio’r gŵyn fel hyn.

Gwasanaethau Partneriaeth

Mae’r sefyllfa yng nghyswllt cwynion am wasanaethau partneriaeth yn wahanol eto,
yn enwedig o ystyried na fydd pob partner efallai yn ddarostyngedig i weithdrefn
enghreifftiol Llywodraeth Cymru. Serch hynny, mae’n arfer llywodraethu da i bob partneriaeth a sefydlir fod â phrotocol o’r cychwyn i ddelio â chwynion. Dylai’r protocol hwnnw ei gwneud yn glir ble yn y bartneriaeth y mae’r atebolrwydd am unrhyw wasanaeth sy’n cael eu darparu - h.y. a yw’r cyfrifoldeb yn nwylo’r bartneriaeth fel endid, ynteu a yw pob partner yn atebol am agweddau penodol ar ddarparu gwasanaethau?

A chofio y bydd llawer o aelodau yn y rhan fwyaf o bartneriaethau o ddarparwyr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn ddarostyngedig i’r weithdrefn hon, argymhellir bod y darparwyr hynny’n ceisio cytuno ar brotocol gyda’u partneriaid i ddelio â chwynion mewn ffordd sy’n cyfateb i’r model hwn.

Yn arbennig, argymhellir:

- bod partneriaethau’n sefydlu proses delio â chwynion i’r gwasanaethau y maen nhw fel partneriaeth yn eu darparu
- eu bod yn nodi ac yn hysbysebu un man cyswllt i gwynion mewn perthynas â’u gweithgareddau/ gwasanaethau
- bod y person/tîm a nodir yn cyd-drefnu’r gwaith o ymchwilio i’r gŵyn ar ran y bartneriaeth. Yn dibynnu ar natur y gŵyn, os yw’r achwynydd yn dal yn anfodlon â’r gwasanaeth sy’n cael ei gyflwyno gan un partner neilltuol, efallai y bydd yn fwy priodol cyfeirio’r ymchwiliad at y partner neilltuol hwnnw ymdrin â hi
- bod y bartneriaeth yn sicrhau bod gwersi’n cael eu dysgu o’r cwynion a ddaw i law a’i bod yn ystyried a oes unrhyw wers a ddylid ei rhannu’n fwy eang.

Cwynion ynglŷn â gwasanaethau sydd wedi eu gosod ar gytundeb allanol

Er bod Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan efallai yn gosod y gwaith o ddarparu
gwasanaethau ar gytundeb allanol i sefydliadau preifat/gwirfoddol, nid yw hynny’n eu
rhyddhau o’u cyfrifoldeb dros y swyddogaethau hynny. Dylai’r Clerc sicrhau bod y rhai sy’n gyfrifol am lunio contractau yn ymwybodol o’r angen i gynnwys darpariaeth i ddelio â chwynion fel mater o drefn. Dylai hyn gynnwys gofyniad bod sefydliad sydd dan gontract i ddarparu gwasanaethau yn cydymffurfio â threfniadau tebyg i ddelio â chwynion (h.y. y ddau gam), a bod copi o’r adroddiad/llythyr canlyniad yn cael ei roi i’r darparwr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Dylai sefydliadau o’r fath hefyd roi gwybod i achwynwyr am y trydydd cam allanol a’u hawl i gwyno i Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Cymru.

Adran 4 – Dysgu Gwersi

4.1 Dysgu o gwynion/gwella’n barhaus

4.1.1 Dylid defnyddio gwybodaeth am gwynion i wella’r ffordd y mae sefydliad yn darparu gwasanaethau ac i wneud hynny’n fwy effeithiol.

4.1.2 I’r perwyl hwn, bydd y Cyngor Cymuned yn:

• Sicrhau bod y Clerc yn adolygu canlyniad pob cwyn a’r argymhellion i ganfod a oes unrhyw batrwm i’r cwynion/gwersi ehangach i’w dysgu nad ydynt efallai yn amlwg o gwynion unigol yn unig. Wrth ystyried y gwersi y mae modd eu dysgu, dylid asesu:
- A yw’r rhain yn gyfyngedig i’r Cyngor Cymuned
- A oes iddynt oblygiadau i’r Cyngor
- Neu a ydynt yn wersi y dylid eu rhannu ar draws y sector cyhoeddus neu yn wir ar draws y gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn ei gyfanrwydd yng Nghymru.
• Sicrhau bod adroddiadau ar gwynion yn cael eu hystyried yn rheolaidd gan y Cyngor llawn, gan gynnwys dadansoddiad o’r data a gasglwyd a gwybodaeth am yr argymhellion a wnaethpwyd i wella’r ffordd o ddarparu gwasanaethau.
• Sicrhau bod yr wybodaeth a gafodd yr Aelodau yn cael ei defnyddio i dargedu unrhyw faes sy’n achosi problem ac i ystyried a oes modd gwella polisïau, gweithdrefnau ac, yn sgil hynny, gwasanaethau.
• Sicrhau bod y Cyngor llawn yn derbyn adroddiadau sy’n rhoi trosolwg o’r cwynion a ddaeth i law, yn cynnwys pa newidiadau sydd wedi eu gwneud o ganlyniad i’r wybodaeth am gwynion ac, ar Ôl monitro’r ffordd y cawsant eu gweithredu, pa ganlyniad a gafwyd.
• Sicrhau bod adroddiad blynyddol ar gwynion yn cael ei gynhyrchu, yn crisialu’r
gwersi a ddysgwyd dros y cyfnod hwn ac yn dangos sut y maent wedi cyfrannu
at wella’r ffordd y mae gwasanaethau’n cael eu darparu.

4.2 Cofnodi a monitro cwynion

4.2.1 Mae ffyrdd effeithiol o reoli cwynion yn casglu data penodol ac yn nodi problemau
sy’n digwydd dro ar Ôl tro neu broblemau sy’n bodoli ar draws y system. Dylid cofnodi’r holl adborth a chwynion a ddaw i law i sicrhau bod modd gwneud gwerthusiad cynhwysfawr o’r data.

4.2.2 I’r perwyl hwn, dylai Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan:
Fod â system i gasglu data am gwynion
Defnyddio’r system i ddilyn cwynion a sicrhau eu bod yn cydymffurfio â’r amserlenni
Dylai’r data a gofnodir olygu bod modd cipio’r niferoedd a’r mathau o gwynion, eu canlyniadau a thueddiadau, i hwyluso cymariaethau â chyfnodau blaenorol ac i ganfod cwynion sy’n digwydd dro ar Ôl tro neu ar draws y system
Dylai’r system hefyd olygu pob modd cipio pwyntiau o’r gwersi a ddysgwyd
Ysgrifennu at yr achwynydd yn manylu ar ganfyddiadau’r ymchwiliad, gan ymddiheuro am unrhyw ddiffyg a disgrifio’r camau a gaiff eu cymryd i atal hyn rhag digwydd eto

4.2.3 Bydd y Cyngor Cymuned yn cofnodi ar bapur a, lle bynnag bo’n bosibl, ar system TG.

4.2.4 Er mwyn adnabod tueddiadau o ran canlyniadau cwynion, dylid defnyddio’r
diffiniadau lefel uchel canlynol o ganlyniadau cwynion:

Cwyn am wasanaeth nas darparwyd gan y corff hwn
Cyfeiriwyd y gŵyn at staff / Aelod rheng flaen a chafodd ei datrys
Nid oedd yn teilyngu ymchwiliad
Ateb Cyflym/Setliad Gwirfoddol
Rhoddwyd y gorau i’r ymchwiliad
Cadarnhawyd – Mater nad yw’n systemig
Cadarnhawyd – Mater systemig – Mae angen cynllun gweithredu
Ni chafodd y gŵyn ei chadarnhau
Tynnwyd yn Ôl

Adran 5 - Staff / Aelodau a Hyfforddiant

5.1 Staff

5.1.1 Er nad yw’n anghyffredin i bobl chwilio am rywun i’w feio pan fydd pethau’n mynd o chwith, dylai staff / Aelodau fod yn dawel eu meddwl nad dyna yw nod ymchwiliad. Dylid gwneud yn glir mai diben unrhyw gyfweliad yw sefydlu ffeithiau fel rhan o ymchwiliad i gŵyn, ac nad yw’n rhan o unrhyw drefn ddisgyblu (gellir cynnal proses ddisgyblu ar wahân os yw hynny’n briodol).

5.1.2 Wrth ofyn i staff ddod am gyfweliad, dylid dweud wrthynt beth yw pwrpas yr ymweliad, beth i’w ddisgwyl a pha baratoi y mae angen iddynt ei wneud. Dylid dweud wrthynt y cânt ddod â rhywun gyda nhw (cydweithiwr, er enghraifft) i’w cefnogi – er y dylid gwneud y sefyllfa o ran cyfrinachedd a’u rÔl nhw yn glir. Dylid dweud wrthynt hefyd beth fydd yn digwydd ar Ôl y cyfweliad.

5.1.3 Mae bod yn destun cwyn yn sefyllfa llawn straen beth bynnag ac, yn dibynnu ar
amgylchiadau’r gŵyn a’r materion dan sylw, efallai y bydd yn ddoeth hysbysu’r sawl sy’n cael ei gyfweld am y cymorth/cwnsela sydd ar gael.

5.1.4 Yn yr un modd ag y mae’n bwysig rhoi gwybod yn gyson i achwynwyr am hynt yr ymchwiliad a’i ganlyniad, mae’r un peth yn wir yng nghyswllt staff / Aelodau.

5.1.5 Yn ogystal â hysbysu staff / Aelodau o ganlyniadau cwynion ac unrhyw argymhellion sy’n codi, dylai fod ffordd hefyd o roi'r adroddiad blynyddol ar y we. Fe ddylai cyflwyno cwyn a gweithredu ar gŵyn gael ei weld fel gweithred gadarnhaol gyda’i fod yn ffordd i’r Cyngor ddysgu gwersi.

5.2 Hyfforddiant

5.2.1 Mae angen i staff cymwys ddarparu adnoddau digonol ar gyfer y broses gwyno.

5.2.2 Dylai’r Clerc / y sawl sy’n delio â chwynion yn ganolog wneud asesiad o’r sgiliau a’r cymwyseddau sy’n ofynnol gan bawb sy’n ymwneud â’r broses gwyno a sicrhau bod
strategaeth hyfforddi briodol wedi ei sefydlu.

5.2.3 Dylai’r Clerc / y sawl sy’n delio â chwynion yn ganolog adolygu nifer y
swyddogion medrus a hyfforddedig sydd ar gael i gynorthwyo’r Cyngor Cymuned i lunio adroddiadau ar yr ymchwiliadau.

5.2.4 Mae’n fwy na thebyg y bydd angen hyfforddiant ‘arbenigol’ ychwanegol ar y rhai
sy’n debygol o ymwneud â chynnal ymchwiliadau ‘sensitif’.

5.2.5 Yn y pendraw, mater i’r Cyngor Cymuned yw penderfynu ynghylch hyfforddiant staff. Rhagwelir y bydd yr hyfforddiant hefyd yn cynnwys cyngor i’r Clerc ar sut i ddelio â chwynion/ datrysiad lleol.

5.2.6 Fodd bynnag, dylid cynnwys hyfforddiant cyffredinol yn y rhaglen gynefino staff ac Aelodau’r Cyngor Cymuned.

5.3 Gweithredu Annerbyniol gan achwynwyr

5.3.1 Mae’r polisi enghreifftiol yn cydnabod y gall rhai pobl ymddwyn mewn ffordd sy’n
groes i’w natur mewn cyfnodau o helbul neu drallod. Dylid cofio bod yr amgylchiadau a arweiniodd at gŵyn wedi peri gofid neu loes. Ni ddylid ystyried ymddygiad achwynydd yn annerbyniol am fod rhywun yn egnïol neu’n benderfynol. Fodd bynnag, gall gweithredoedd achwynwyr sy’n ddig, yn mynnu rhywbeth neu’n ddi-baid arwain at ofynion afresymol ar sefydliad neu ymddygiad annerbyniol tuag at staff. Y gweithredoedd hyn sy’n cael eu hystyried yn annerbyniol. Felly mae Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan wedi mabwysiadu polisi ‘gweithredoedd annerbyniol gan achwynwyr’ ac am sicrhau y bydd staff / Aelodau yn derbyn yr hyfforddiant priodol.

Section 1 – Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Concerns and Complaints Policy

1.1.1 The Welsh Assembly Government’s vision for improving public services in Wales is well documented and it recognises that complaints systems and redress can make an important contribution to the improvement of those services. Llansannan Community Council in adopting this policy is fully committed to this principle.

1.1.2 Llansannan Community Council in developing this policy for handling concerns and complaints aims to adhere to the cross spectrum of public service providers by adopting:
• common principles for the effective handling of concerns and complaints
a common model for dealing with concerns and complaints.
common data collection procedure
common methods for learning from concerns and complaints.
a common means to identify and disseminate good practice.

Hereafter whenever reference is made to a “concern” or “complaint” it refers to both concern and complaint.

Section 2 - Definition and Principles

2.1 What is a Complaint?

2.1.1 A complaint is:

 an expression of dissatisfaction or concern
 either written or spoken or made by any other communication method
 made by one or more members of the public
 about a Llansannan Community Council action or lack of action
 or about the standard of service provided
 which requires a response

whether about the public service provider itself, a person acting on its behalf, or a public service provider partnership.

2.1.2 A complaint is not:

an initial request for a service, such as reporting a faulty street light
an appeal against a “properly made” decision by the Community Council
a means to seek change to legislation or a “properly made” policy decision
a means for lobbying groups/organisations to seek to promote a cause.

2.1.3 A Member of the public’ is defined as anyone in receipt of a service by the public service provider in question or, indeed, denied a service to which they are entitled – this can be an individual or a group of people.

2.1.4 A ‘properly made’ decision is one where the relevant laws, policies and procedures have been correctly followed in arriving at a decision.

2.2 Principles for dealing with complaints

2.2.1 The Complaints Model adopted by the Community Council involves three stages:

an informal stage (where complaints are initially raised with frontline staff/Member
a formal stage when a complaint is formally made in writing
a third stage where the complaint is subject to independent external consideration.

2.2.2 When someone complains they inevitably have an issue about a service which has been received or not received. Complaints need to be handled in such a way that the complainant is the focus and not the process itself. It is within this context that the following principles will be applied.

(i) Accessible and Simple

Well publicised.
Easy to find, understand and use – both for public and staff.
Simple and clear instructions for the public about how to make a
Has flexibility to meet the different needs of different people, ensuring that those who face challenges in access are not excluded.
Provides information on advocacy and support services.
The stages in the complaint handling process are kept to a minimum.

(ii) Fair and Impartial

Concerns are dealt with in an open-minded and impartial way.
Complainants are assured that making a complaint will not adversely
affect their future dealings and contacts with the Community Council.
Ensures that complainants get a full response and that decisions are
proportionate, appropriate and are fair.
The staff or Members complained about are treated as fairly as complainants

(iii) Timely, Effective and Consistent

Within the parameters of what is appropriate and possible, frontline staff /Members themselves should seek to resolve complaints
’Investigate Once, Investigate Well’‟ – when a complaint requires formal
investigation, this should be done thoroughly to establish the facts of the
Dealt with as quickly as possible. It should normally take no longer than
20 working days from receipt at the Formal Stage to resolution. If a complaint is more complex, complainants should be told why it may take longer to investigate and how long it is expected to take. Complainants and staff involved should be kept informed of progress throughout.
Consistent so that people in similar circumstances are treated in similar
Concerns involving more than one public service provider are dealt with
in such a way that the complainant’s experience is of one system.

(iv) Accountable

• Provides honest, evidence-based explanations and gives reasons for
Information is provided in a clear and open way.
When concerns are found to be justified, as appropriate, Community Council:
- acknowledge mistakes
- apologise in a meaningful way
- put matters right
- provide prompt, appropriate and proportionate redress.
• Follow up to ensure any decisions are properly and promptly implemented.
• Where appropriate, the complainant is told about the lessons learnt and
changes made to the service, guidance or policy.
• Ensures that complainants are informed of their right to complain to the
Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (or of other appropriate routes
open to them, for example, Welsh Language Board in respect of
complaints about compliance with Welsh Language Schemes, Equality
and Human Rights Commission.).

(v) Delivers Continuous Improvement

Lessons learnt from complaints are gathered and feedback is used to
improve service design and delivery.
Systems in place to record, analyse and report on the learning from
The Members of the Community Council:
- takes ownership of the complaints process
- regularly reviews and scrutinises its effectiveness
- receives regular complaints monitoring reports, and
- demonstrates what the organisation has done to improve service
delivery as a result of complaints.
Regulators have an important role in ensuring that lessons learnt from
concerns are implemented satisfactorily and sustained.

(vi) Equalities and Diversity

All action and decisions made under this policy will take full account of the main pieces of legislation in the field of equalities and the Welsh language which include:
Equality Act 2010
Human Rights Act 1998 and the
Welsh Language Act 1993 and the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011

Section 3 - Complaint Handling Arrangements

3.1 The aim is to provide an approach for handling complaints with one that is simple, flexible and places emphasis on getting the most appropriate outcome for individuals and services. Llansannan Community Council will take a proactive approach to dealing with concerns by focusing on people’s needs and not the complaints process itself.

3.2 By adopting such an approach the Community Council will adhere to a more streamlined complaints arrangements which is being implemented across the public sector and make it easier to deal with concerns that
relate to more than one service provider.

3.3 A Commitment Statement

3.3.1 The Welsh Government has published a principle on redress for public
services (Making the Connections – Building Customer services, March 2007). This is the touchstone for the model complaints policy and Llansannan Community Council in adopting the model will publish a commitment statement as follows:

“People will find it easy to complain and get things put right when the
service they receive is not good enough”.

3.4 The people who may put forward a concern

3.4.1 Any member of the public, including a child, who has received, or was entitled to receive, a service from the Community Council may make a complaint. The same applies if they have suffered due to the inappropriate action or lack of action by the Community Council.

3.4.2 Where a concern is notified by a young person or child, the Community Council will provide them with such assistance that they may reasonably require in order to pursue the concern. This should include making the young person or child aware of the help that could be provided by the Children’s Commissioner for Wales.

3.4.3 A concern can also be put forward by someone on behalf of another person, as follows:

(a) someone who has died
(b) a child 15
(c) those who lack the capacity (as defined by the Mental Capacity Act 2005(1)
(d) they have been asked to do so by the person affected.
(In the case of (b), (c) and (d), the Community Council must satisfy themselves, as far as the circumstances of the person affected allow for it, that the representative is acting with the authority of that person and if possible obtain their signature to confirm this).

3.4.4 This procedure is not however a means for a member of staff to raise employment issues. There are other internal mechanisms for these type of concerns, for example, whistle blowing, bullying, or grievance procedures.

3.5 Roles

3.5.1 The Membership of the Community Council will ensure that the policy is adopted and in place. It is not appropriate for the full Council to be involved in the investigation of individual complaints. However, it should receive reports on the number and type of complaints received their outcomes and any remedial action taken as a consequence. It is for the Community Council to determine how frequently it should receive such reports; however, this should be at least twice a year.

3.5.2 The Community Council Clerk will be responsible for ensuring the policy is adopted and the guidance is followed.

3.5.3 The Clerk will be responsible for co-ordinating responses to all
complaints which are not resolved at the informal stage. For
ease of reference throughout this document, this role is described as the ‘central complaints handler. The Clerk will also be responsible for a consistent high quality response to complainants.

3.6 Resources

3.6.1 The Community Council will ensure that the necessary resources are made available to enable delivery of the policy, this includes:

staffing (including administrative support, if necessary)
complaint handling administration systems.

3.7 Accessibility and publicising the complaints procedure

3.7.1 Llansannan Community Council ensure that the complaints system is
accessible to everyone.

3.7.2 In achieving this goal the Community Council will:

Ensure that the “Complaints Commitment Statement” and complaints process are widely publicised. This will be done by:
promoting the existence of the procedure, together with appropriate contact details, on a regular basis in Y Gadlas
producing bilingual complaints information leaflet
the leaflet will be available at all public reception areas and ‘common’ areas where service users may frequent, and made widely available to the organisation’s staff and Members.
the leaflets should will be circulated to the local offices of relevant advice and advocacy organisations servicing the Llansannan Area.
the complaints procedure will be published at a prominent and easily
accessed area of the organisation’s website.

That in addressing issues of accessibility the Community Council will aim to:

make the complaints procedure information available in alternative formats such as on CD, in large print, Braille, etc
make available some basic literature in the most common ethnic languages in the area publicising the existence of the complaints procedure
have in place arrangements so that they can call upon
translation/interpretation services (including British Sign Language).

Where necessary the Community Council Public will contact the Wales office of the Equality and Human Rights Commission for advice on accessibility matters.

For people who may need advice/support in making their complaint, public service Llansannan Community Council will keep a comprehensive list of relevant advice and advocacy organisations in the locality. Advice should be provided to complainants who require/request such support as to which organisation(s) is likely to be the most suitable to help them. (A decision on which organisation would be best placed to assist will be based on the nature of the complaint, or on the nature of any disadvantage faced by the complainant – e.g. language, disability, etc). Llansannan Community
Council will ensure that there is equality of access for all service users.

3.8 The complaints information leaflet/complaint form

3.8.1 The wording of the Welsh and English complaints information leaflet is in accordance with Welsh Government Model Concerns and Complaints model policy.

3.8.2 In raising a concern, ideally people should complete a complaint form either printed version or webform (see Appendix A )

3.8.3 However, people may prefer to present their complaint by telephone, e-mail, or in person (or other method). In doing so staff/Members dealing with the complaint should ensure that they have gathered the same information as that being sought on the complaint form and ensure it is recorded appropriately.

3.9 The complaints procedure

Stage 1 - Informal Resolution

This stage offers the opportunity for informal engagement at the point of service delivery to seek to resolve complaints either at the time the concern arises or very shortly thereafter. This stage should be part and parcel of front line service delivery and not viewed as separate from it. This first step will normally be an explanation or other appropriate remedial action by frontline staff/Members.

Staff/Members should be empowered and trained to deal with complaints as they arise with the aim of resolving issues on the spot. This training can be provided during their induction period.
Staff/Members should be trained to recognise the seriousness of a complaint and understand when it should be referred to more senior member of the Council.
Staff/Members may receive complaints that do not involve their own areas of responsibility, in such circumstances the complainant should be referred the County Council ‘central complaints handler’, who will then be able to advise the complainant appropriately.
Staff must advise complainants how to progress their complaint to the formal investigation stage, if they are not satisfied with the outcome of their
complaint at the end of the informal stage.
Complainants may wish their complaint to be “fast tracked” straight through to internal investigation (Stage 2). This may particularly be so if there have been disagreements with staff/Member directly responsible delivering the service. It is the complainant’s prerogative to seek to take their complaint directly to Stage 2 of the procedure.
Frontline staff/Members should be trained and encouraged to provide appropriate information on advice and advocacy support at Stage 1 of the complaints process. However, it is recognised that they may not have (nor could they be expected to) have the breadth of knowledge of all organisations for all types of help available.
The central complaints handler should be a source of support for frontline staff in respect of local resolution.

The informal resolution stage should be done as quickly as possible and certainly take no longer than 10 working days Examples of the type of concern that can be resolved at the local resolution stage are:

a bus shelter has not been cleaned
a skip has not be located correctly

However, examples of the type of complaint that should not be resolved at the
informal stage are:

That the complaint relates to a failure to safeguard a child/children by social
the complainant believes that there has been a failure in health treatment
which has led to serious consequences
the concern involves issues where it appears a service failure has occurred
due to an obvious systemic problem.

Stage 2 Formal Internal Investigations

‘Investigate once, investigate well’ is the principle for this stage of the process. Emphasis is placed on one investigation to deal thoroughly with the concerns raised, rather than multiple investigations at different levels in the organisation which can result in protracted and sometimes open ended investigations. However, the Stage 2 element of the complaints process is intended to be flexible to respond appropriately to the complaint. ‘Investigating well’ also means conducting an investigation in a manner that is proportionate to the nature and degree of seriousness of the complaint. Proportionate means that for those complaints not so serious in their nature, the investigation may not need to be so detailed. The following sets out how a complaint should be dealt with at Stage 2.

Stage 2 complaints should be sent by the complainant to the Clerk. Any staff/Member who is not a central complaints handler receiving a complaint form should forward it promptly.
Having formally received a complaint at Stage 2, an acknowledgement should be sent by the Clerk as soon as is possible but within a
maximum of five working days.
If the complaint is ‘out of time’ – i.e. the issue being complained about is older than six months (from the time that the complainant first became aware of the problem), consideration should be given as to whether there are good reasons as to why it should nevertheless be accepted.
The Clerk should offer to discuss the matter with the complainant, including:
- helping the person who is complaining understand the process
- confirming with them their preferred method of communication and what they want as an outcome to making the complaint
- providing advice of relevant advocacy and support services if they need help in making their complaint.
Depending on the nature of the complaint it may be necessary to obtain the
Complainant’s permission to access their personal file. If the complainant
refuses to give permission, then it should be explained to them that this will
have an effect on the ability to conduct a thorough investigation.
If the complainant is complaining on behalf of someone else, consideration will need to be given as to whether consent is needed to investigate the complaint.
Having satisfied themselves that they sufficiently understand the details of the complaint, the Clerk should:
- grade the seriousness of the complaint to decide on the appropriate level of investigation
- identify an individual with sufficient seniority, credibility and independence from the source of the complaint to undertake the investigation:
- in the Llansannan Community Council who has only one member of staff it is accepted that the Clerk will often take the role of “frontline, informal resolution” and that the Chair or subcommittee of the Council could where necessary take the role of “investigator”.

Having recorded the complaint on the complaints handling system on receipt, the Clerk should keep track of (and record) progress and
take responsibility for monitoring the smooth running of the investigation,
ensuring that timescales are met. The stage 2 complaints process should
normally be concluded within 20 working days. Where this is not possible complainants must be informed of the reasons and be agreeable to any extension. In any event, there should be regular contact with the complainant, updating them on progress on the case.

A complainant may withdraw their concern at any time, however, the public
service provider may continue to investigate if it feels that it is necessary to do

It is recommended that the Clerk (central complaints handler) produces a portfolio of specimen documents/templates to assist those involved in the complaints process, these could include:

- a form for frontline staff for logging relevant complaints at the informal stage (these will be germane for any complaints progressed to Stage 2)
- an acknowledgement letter
- a framework for „update‟ letters to the complainant
 interview request letters (e.g. for the investigator when requiring meetings with staff/Members involved)
- a template for investigation reports

Complaints Investigations

A complaint investigation should be a fact finding exercise which is impartial, open and transparent and proportionate to the seriousness of the complaint. For serious complaints, a plan needs to be drawn up enabling the complaint to be investigated systematically.

However, even though the complaint has reached the Formal Internal Stage, there may still be potential for resolving the concern to the complainant’s satisfaction through a ‘quick fix’ and without having to undertake a full and lengthy investigation. Consideration should be given to the possibility of this.

Consideration should also be given as to whether face to face meetings and/or mediation could be a means to resolving the complaint

Evidence gathering can include:
- correspondence (letters and e-mails)
- notes of telephone conversations
- organisational policies and procedures
- good practice guidance
- records (including those specifically in relating to complaint under
consideration and training records of staff involved in the complaint)
- legislation
- interviews (including detailed note taking)
- site plans and visits
- photographic evidence
- recordings in various formats (e.g. phone, video, CCTV)
- obtaining professional/expert advice
- training records of relevant staff.

Recommendations arising from investigations should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed (SMART)

At the end of an investigation a written outcome such as letter or e-mail should be produced, and in more serious cases a report. Where a report is produced this should include where appropriate:

- the scope of the investigation
- a summary of the investigation:
- details of key issues, setting out a brief chronology of events leading to the complaint
- those who were interviewed (including setting out to what degree the complainant, and if appropriate, any affected relatives, advocates, etc were involved in the investigation)
- conclusion

- if the complaint is found to be justified/upheld
- how it happened - i.e. what went wrong
- why it happened – i.e. the root cause of the problem (e.g. human error, a systemic failure )
- what impact did it have on the complainant
- if a systemic failing has been identified, an explanation of actions taken to put things right, with a view to ensuring the same problem does not occur again
- if appropriate, an apology
- if appropriate, an offer of redress
- if the complaint has not been upheld, there should be an explanation of why this conclusion has been reached, demonstrating that it has been arrived at based on the evidence gathered.

- overall the report should demonstrate throughout that the complaint has been taken seriously, that the investigation undertaken has been fair and, in accord with the seriousness of the complaint, proportionately thorough.

- Even in cases where an investigation upholds the complaint and offers
remedy/redress, it may be that the complainant remains dissatisfied for some
reason. Therefore, in all cases, the report should inform the complainant that
if they remain dissatisfied then they have the right to seek an independent
external consideration of their complaint. Information about making a
complaint to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and other appropriate
complaint handlers including the Welsh Language Board should be provided.

The final steps

The fact that complaints will vary in the degree of seriousness has already been referred to. The Community Council will decide at what level decisions on recommendations in the report can be taken and who should sign off on the complaint (i.e. who should sign any report or letter).

There will be times when it would be appropriate for the Clerk (central complaints handler) to do so, other times the Chair. The Chair should
should ideally see a copy of all final correspondence sent out in respect of Stage 2 complaints.

In cases where a complaint has been upheld and there is a clear systemic issue, the full Council should ensure that an action plan is devised setting
out how the recommendations will be implemented and identify who will be
responsible for ensuring their implementation. The plan should also include arrangements for confirming to the complainant that changes have been implemented and make provision for the monitoring and evaluation of new arrangements introduced to assess their impact.

On closing a complaint case, the Clerk (central complaints handler) should ensure that working documents used during the course of the investigation are retained in an orderly fashion and stored securely. If the complaint becomes the subject of further external investigation such as by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, these working documents may be needed as the public service provider’s evidence. Complaint case records should be retained for at least one year following closure at the end of Stage 2.

An Independent Person

It may be that for some investigations, it is considered appropriate to include the involvement of an independent person in the Stage 2 investigation. It will be the responsibility of the Clerk (central complaints handler) to ensure that the organisation has a pool of suitable people to call upon where necessary.

Complaints Involving Other Legal or Disciplinary Proceedings

Occasionally, complaints received will involve legal or disciplinary proceedings. It may from time to time be necessary to put the investigation of a complaint „on hold‟ until the conclusion of those other proceedings. However, it should not automatically be assumed that this is necessary in every case. An assessment should be made (with legal advice sought, if appropriate) to identify whether it is possible to address the subject of the complaint, without impacting unfairly on the other proceedings
underway. It is important that if a complainant is in a continued state of
disadvantage as a result of likely poor service delivery that every step is taken to conclude this part of their complaint. This will mean that, if the complaint is upheld, it has been demonstrated that the organisation is doing everything it can to return them as soon as possible to the position they would have been in if that failure had not occurred in the first place.

Complaints involving more than one service provider

There are occasions when a complaint received will involve more than one
organisation. In this case the role of the Clerk (central complaints handler) will be slightly different. Having established the elements of the complaint and which organisations are involved, they should contact their counterpart(s) in the other organisation(s) involved. The complaints officers should then decide which of them should lead on co-ordinating the response to the complainant. It would seem sensible that this should be the organisation with the greatest involvement in the complaint. However, it may be appropriate for the organisation with the largest complaints handling resource to undertake this role.

The role of the complaints officer allocated to the complaint in question is to coordinate the investigations in each of the service areas involved. The ultimate aim, therefore, is to provide the complainant with a single comprehensive ‘joint’ response on behalf of all of the organisations involved.
There will be complaints where each element is sufficiently distinct and separate so that all that will be required is to set out the details and outcome of each investigation strand and then add an overall conclusion to the response.

However, it is recognised that there will be some cases where the resolution and remedy of a complaint will involve agreement by all involved and that this could lead to tensions and disagreement. Where such disagreements lead to an impasse, it may mean having to refer the problem to the Chair of the Community Council/senior management within each of these organisations in order to try to resolve the situation.

Where the impasse still cannot be resolved, it may be prudent to refer the matter at this point to the relevant external independent complaint handler at Stage 3 (e.g. the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales). However, the complainant should be told of this intention, together with the reason for it, and their agreement should be sought before such a referral takes place.

Partnership Services

The situation in relation to complaints about partnership services is again different, particularly given that not all partners may be subject to the Welsh Government Model procedure. Nevertheless, it is good governance practice for every partnership established to have in place at the outset a protocol for dealing with complaints. That protocol should make clear where accountability lies within the partnership for any services delivered – i.e. does responsibility rest with the partnership as an entity, is each partner accountable for specific aspects of the service delivery?

Given that in most public service provider partnerships many members will be
subject to the model procedure, it is recommended that those providers endeavour to agree a protocol with their partners for dealing with complaints in a way that corresponds with this model.

In particular, it is recommended that:

- partnerships establish a complaints handling process for services that they as a partnership deliver
- they identify and publicise a single point of contact for complaints in respect of their activities/services
- the person/team identified, co-ordinates the investigation of the complaint on
behalf of the partnership. Depending on the nature of the complaint, if the
complaint concerns dissatisfaction with the service delivered by one particular
partner, it may be more appropriate to refer the investigation on to that
particular partner to deal with
- the partnership ensures that lessons are learnt from complaints received and
considers whether there are any that should be shared more widely.

Complaints concerning services that have been contracted out

Even though the Community Council may contract out the provision of services to private/voluntary organisations, this does not absolve the public service provider of their responsibility for those functions. The Clerk should, therefore, ensure that those responsible for drafting contracts are aware of the need to include as a matter of course a provision for complaints handling. This should include the requirement for organisations contracted to provide services to comply with similar complaint handling arrangements (i.e. the two stages), with the outcome report/letter being copied to the public service provider. Such organisations should also inform complainants of the third external stage and their right to complain to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.

Section 4 - Learning Lessons

4.1 Learning from complaints/continual improvement

4.1.1 Complaints information should be used to improve the Community Council’s service delivery and increase its effectiveness.

4.1.2 To support this, the Community Council will:

• Ensure that the Clerk (central complaints handler), periodically reviews all complaint outcomes and their recommendations to identify whether there are any patterns to complaints/wider lessons to be learnt that may not be apparent from individual complaints alone. When considering the lessons that can be learnt from a complaint, an assessment should be made as to whether:
- These are limited to an area of the Community Council
- Whether they have a Council wide implication
- Or indeed whether they are ones that should be shared across the sector of
the public service or indeed across the whole of the public service in

• Ensure that complaints reports are considered on a regular basis by the full Council, including an analysis of the data gathered and information on
recommendations that have been made for improving service delivery.
• Ensure that the information received by Members is used to target
any problem areas and consider if there is potential to improve policies,
procedures and accordingly services.
• Ensure that the full Council receives reports giving an overview of
complaints received, setting out what changes have been made as a result of
complaints information, and following monitoring of their implementation what
results have been received.
Ensure that an annual report on complaints is produced, drawing out lessons learnt over this period and demonstrating how they have contributed to improved service delivery.

4.2 Recording & monitoring complaints

4.2.1 Effective approaches to complaints management collect specific data and identify recurring or system wide problems. All feedback and complaints received should be recorded to ensure that a comprehensive evaluation of data can be made.

4.2.2 To support this, the Community Council will:
Have a system to collect Council-wide complaints data
Use the system to help track complaints and compliance with timescales
• Data recorded should enable the numbers, types, outcomes and trends of
complaints to be captured, to facilitate comparisons with previous periods and
identify system wide or recurring complaints
The system should also enable points from lessons learned to be captured
Write to the complainant detailing the findings of the investigation, providing an apology for any shortfalls and describing what action will be taken to prevent recurrence

4.2.3 The Community Council will use both Manual and where possible IT systems for these recording purposes.

4.2.4 In order to also identify outcome trends of complaints, the following high level complaints outcome definitions should be used

• Complaint about service not provided by this body
• Referred to front line staff/Members and resolved
• Investigation not merited
• Quick Fix/Voluntary Settlement
• Investigation Discontinued
• Upheld – Non systemic issue
• Upheld – Systemic - Action plan required
• Not Upheld
• Withdrawn

Section 5 – Staff/Members and Training

5.1 Staff/Members

5.1.1 Whilst it is not uncommon for people to look for someone to blame when things go wrong, staff/Members should be assured that this is not the aim of an investigation. It should be made clear that any interview that may take place is to establish facts as part of the investigation of a complaint, and that it does not form part of a disciplinary procedure. (However, a separate disciplinary process could take place if this appropriate.).

5.1.2 When requiring staff/Members to attend for interview, they should be told the purpose of the interview, what to expect and what preparation they need to do. They should be advised that they can bring someone (such as a colleague) for support – although the position of confidentiality and their role should be made clear). They should also be advised as to what will happen after the interview.

5.1.3 Being the subject of a complaint is in any event a stressful situation and depending on the circumstances of the complaint and the issues involved, it may be prudent to inform the interviewee of staff support/counselling available.

5.1.4 In the same way that it is important to keep complainants informed on progress in the investigation and its outcome, the same is true in respect of staff/Members who are involved.

5.1.5 As well as informing staff/Members involved of the outcomes of complaints and any recommendations that arise, there should also be a means of making the annual report available on the intranet. The
Council’s culture should be that reporting a complaint and action taken is seen
as a positive act in that it assists organisational learning.

5.2 Training

5.2.1 The complaints function needs to be adequately resourced by appropriately trained staff/Members.

5.2.2 The Clerk/central complaints handler should undertake an assessment of the skills and competencies required by all those involved in the complaints process and ensure that there is an appropriate training strategy in place.

5.2.3 The central complaints handler should continually keep under review the number of skilled and trained individuals available to the Community Council to conduct and prepare reports on investigations.

5.2.4 Those likely to be involved in conducting ‘sensitive’ investigations will in all probability need additional „specialist‟ training.

5.2.5 Ultimately staff training is a matter for the Community Council to determine. It is envisaged that the training will also include advice to the Clerk (central complaints handlers) on how deal with complaints/local resolution.
5.2.6 However, general training should also be included in the induction programme of all Staff and Members of the Community Council.

5.3 Unacceptable Actions by complainants

5.3.1 The model policy recognises that some people may act out of character in times of trouble or distress. It should be borne in mind that there may have been upsetting or distressing circumstances leading up to a complaint. A complainant’s behaviour should not be regarded as unacceptable just because they are forceful or determined. However, the actions of complainants who are angry, demanding or persistent may result in unreasonable demands on an organisation or unacceptable
behaviour towards staff. It is these actions that are considered unacceptable.
Llansannan Community Council therefore has adopted an ‘unacceptable actions by Complainants’ policy and ensure that staff/Members receive appropriate associated training.

Polisi ar Weithredoedd Annerbyniol gan Unigolion

1. Cyflwyniad

1.1 Mae’r polisi hwn yn nodi dull gweithredu Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yng nghyswllt y nifer cymharol fach o unigolion y bernir bod eu gweithredoedd neu eu hymddygiad yn annerbyniol.

2. Nodau’r Polisi

2.1 Nodi’n glir wrth bob unigolyn, yn y cyswllt cyntaf a thrwy gydol eu hymwneud â’r cyngor, beth y gall neu na all Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan ei wneud mewn perthynas â’u cwyn. Wrth wneud hyn, y nod yw bod yn agored a pheidio â chodi gobeithion neu ddisgwyliadau os nad ydynt yn debygol o gael eu gwireddu.
2.2 Delio’n deg, yn onest, yn gyson ac yn briodol gyda phob unigolyn, gan gynnwys y rheini y bernir bod eu gweithredoedd yn annerbyniol. Cred Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan bod gan bawb yr hawl i gael ei glywed, ei ddeall a’i barchu. Bernir hefyd bod gan staff ac aelodau Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yr un hawliau.
2.3 Darparu gwasanaeth y gall pawb ei ddefnyddio. Fodd bynnag, lle bernir bod ymddygiad unigolyn yn annerbyniol, cedwir yr hawl i gyfyngu neu i newid yr hawl i ddefnyddio gwasanaeth Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan.
2.4 Sicrhau nad yw pobl eraill na staff nac aelodau Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn cael eu rhoi dan unrhyw anfantais o ganlyniad i ymddygiad annerbyniol eraill.
2.5 Rhoi manylion y drefn gwyno i unigolion sy’n dymuno cwyno am Gyngor Cymuned Llansannan a chydnabod fod ganddynt yr hawl i gysylltu ag Ombwdsman Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Cymru os mai dyna yw eu dymuniad.
2.6 Rhoddir ystyriaeth lawn i’r prif feysydd deddfwriaeth yn ymwneud â chydraddoldeb a’r iaith Gymraeg wrth wneud neu benderfynu ar unrhyw beth fel rhan o’r polisi hwn. Dyma’r darnau perthnasol o ddeddfwriaeth:
* Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010
* Deddf Hawliau Dynol 1998, a
* Deddf Iaith Gymraeg 1993 a Mesur Iaith (Cymru) 2011

3. Diffinio Ymddygiad Annerbyniol gan Unigolion

3.1 Bydd pobl yn ymddwyn yn groes i’w cymeriad ambell waith pan fÔnt mewn trafferthion neu os ydynt yn poeni am rywbeth. Mae’n bosib bod yr unigolyn wedi cysylltu â’r Cyngor ar adeg pan oedd mewn cyfyng gyngor neu mewn poen meddwl mawr. Nid yw Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn ystyried ymddygiad yn annerbyniol dim ond oherwydd bod unigolyn yn awdurdodol neu’n benderfynol. Fodd bynnag, gall ymddygiad pobl sy’n flin, sy’n gofyn llawer ac sy’n gwrthod ildio roi pwysau afresymol ar y Cyngor neu arwain at ymddygiad annerbyniol tuag at staff Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan.
Dyma’r math o ymddygiad sy’n cael ei ystyried yn annerbyniol, a dyma mae’r polisi hwn yn ceisio’i reoli. Mae Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan wedi grwpio’r math hwn o ymddygiad dan dri phennawd cyffredinol:
3.1.1 Ymddygiad Ymosodol neu Ddifrïol
(i) Nid yw trais wedi ei gyfyngu i ymddygiad ymosodol a allai arwain at niwed corfforol. Mae hefyd yn cynnwys ymddygiad neu iaith (lafar neu ysgrifenedig) a allai wneud i staff deimlo’n ofnus, teimlo dan fygythiad neu deimlo eu bod yn cael eu sarhau.
(ii) Mae’r mathau o ymddygiad sy’n cael eu grwpio dan y pennawd hwn yn cynnwys bygythiadau, trais corfforol, camdriniaeth eiriol bersonol, sylwadau difrïol ac anghwrteisi. Bernir hefyd bod sylwadau ymfflamychol a honiadau di-sail yn gallu cyfrif fel ymddygiad difrïol.
(iii) Rydym yn disgwyl i bobl fod yn barchus a chwrtais tuag at ein staff a’n haelodau. Mae trais neu ddiffyg parch tuag at staff neu aelodau yn annerbyniol. Mae staff ac aelodau Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn deall y gwahaniaeth rhwng dicter ac ymddygiad ymosodol. Mae llawer o bobl yn flin oherwydd natur eu cwyn. Fodd bynnag, nid yw’n dderbyniol pan fo dicter yn troi’n agwedd ymosodol tuag at staff neu aelodau Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan.
3.1.2 Gofynion Afresymol
(i) Gall unigolion ofyn i’r Cyngor am bethau sy’n cael eu hystyried yn afresymol oherwydd faint o wybodaeth maent yn gofyn amdani, natur y gwasanaeth maen nhw’n ei ddisgwyl neu nifer yr achlysuron maent yn cysylltu â’r Cyngor. Bydd yr hyn a ystyrir fel gofynion afresymol bob amser yn dibynnu ar yr amgylchiadau sy’n gysylltiedig â’r ymddygiad a pha mor ddifrifol yw’r materion mae’r unigolyn yn eu codi.
(ii) Mae enghreifftiau o weithredoedd sy’n cael eu grwpio dan y pennawd hwn yn cynnwys mynnu ymateb mewn cyfnod byr iawn o amser, mynnu gweld neu siarad ag aelod penodol o staff neu â chynghorydd penodol, galwadau ffÔn neu lythyrau parhaus, newid natur y gŵyn drosodd a throsodd neu godi materion amherthnasol.
(iii) Mae’r gofynion hyn yn cael eu hystyried yn annerbyniol ac yn afresymol os ydynt yn dechrau cael effaith sylweddol ar waith y Cyngor, er enghraifft, drwy gymryd gormod o amser y staff neu ddefnydd gormodol ar adnoddau ar draul unigolion neu orchwylion eraill.
3.1.3 Dal Ati’n Afresymol.
(i) Cydnabyddir y bydd rhai achwynwyr yn gwrthod neu’n methu â derbyn nad yw Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn gallu rhoi rhagor o gymorth iddynt na darparu gwasanaeth gwell na’r hyn a ddarparwyd yn barod. Mae’n bosib y bydd unigolyn yn dal ati i anghytuno â’r ffordd yr aethpwyd i’r afael â’u cwyn neu’n cysylltu â’r Cyngor o hyd ac o hyd am yr un mater.
(ii) Ymysg y mathau o ymddygiad dan y pennawd hwn mae gwrthod derbyn penderfyniad a wnaethpwyd mewn perthynas â chwyn dro ar Ôl tro, gwrthod derbyn eglurhad dro ar Ôl tro ynglŷn â’r hyn y gall neu na all y Cyngor ei wneud a dal ati i geisio sylw i gŵyn heb gyflwyno unrhyw wybodaeth newydd. Mae’n bosib bod yr unigolion hyn yn gwbl resymol yn cysylltu â Chyngor Cymuned Llansannan, eu pendantrwydd i ddal ati fel hyn sy’n afresymol.
(iii) Bernir bod ymddygiad unigolion sy’n dod ar ofyn y Cyngor yn fynych yn dod yn afresymol pan mae’n cymryd yr hyn sydd ym marn Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn gyfran anghyfartal o amser ac adnoddau’r Cyngor.

4. Rheoli Ymddygiad Annerbyniol Unigolion
4.1 Nid oes ond ychydig iawn o unigolion y mae Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn ystyried eu hymddygiad yn annerbyniol. Mae sut rheolir yr ymddygiad yn dibynnu ar ei natur a pha mor ddifrifol yw. Os yw unigolyn yn cael effaith andwyol ar allu Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan i wneud ei waith a darparu gwasanaeth i eraill, mae’n bosib y bydd angen cyfyngu ar gyswllt yr unigolyn gyda’r Cyngor er mwyn rheoli’r ymddygiad annerbyniol. Gellir cyfyngu ar gysylltiad personol, dros y ffÔn, ffacs, llythyr neu gyfrwng electronig neu drwy unrhyw gyfuniad o’r rhain. Gwneir pob ymdrech i sicrhau bod modd i’r unigolyn gysylltu â’r Cyngor mewn un ffordd o leiaf. Mewn sefyllfaoedd eithafol, hysbysir yr achwynydd yn ysgrifenedig bod ei enw ar restr ‘dim cyswllt personol.’ Mae hyn yn golygu na chawn nhw ond cysylltu â Chyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn ysgrifenedig neu drwy rywun arall.
4.2 Mae’r bygythiad neu’r defnydd o drais corfforol, camdriniaeth eiriol neu aflonyddu ar staff Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn debygol o arwain at ddiddymu pob cyswllt uniongyrchol â’r unigolyn. Gellir dwyn achosion i sylw’r heddlu. Bydd hyn yn digwydd bob amser os yw trais corfforol yn cael ei ddefnyddio neu ei fygwth neu os credir fod unigolyn yn camddefnyddio Rhwydweithiau Cyfathrebu Electronig Cyhoeddus wrth gyfeirio at staff ac aelodau’r Cyngor.
4.3 Ni fydd Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn delio gyda gohebiaeth (llythyr, ffacs na gohebiaeth electronig) sy’n sarhau staff neu sy’n cynnwys honiadau di-sail. Pan fo hyn yn digwydd fe ddywedir wrth yr unigolyn fod ei iaith yn cael ei hystyried yn dramgwyddus, yn ddi alw amdani ac nad yw o unrhyw gymorth i’r sefyllfa. Gofynnir i’r unigolyn roi’r gorau i ddefnyddio iaith o’r fath a bydd Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn datgan na fydd yn ateb gohebiaeth os yw’n dal ati. Gall Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan ofyn i’r unigolyn gysylltu drwy rywun arall o hynny allan.
4.4 Bydd staff ac aelodau Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn terfynu galwadau ffÔn os ydynt o’r farn fod y galwr yn ymosodol, yn sarhaus neu’n dramgwyddus. Mae gan yr aelod staff neu’r cynghorydd sy’n cymryd yr alwad yr hawl i wneud y penderfyniad hwn, i ddweud wrth y galwr fod ei ymddygiad yn annerbyniol ac i derfynu’r alwad os nad yw’n rhoi’r gorau i’r ymddygiad.
4.5 Lle bo unigolyn yn ffonio dro ar Ôl tro, yn ymweld â’r swyddfa dro ar Ôl tro, yn anfon dogfennau amherthnasol neu’n codi’r un materion, gall Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan benderfynu:
• Derbyn galwadau ffÔn gan yr unigolyn ar adegau penodol o ddiwrnod penodol yn unig neu drefnu mai dim ond un cynghorydd neu aelod o staff sy’n delio gyda galwadau neu ohebiaeth gan yr achwynydd o hynny allan.
• Gofyn i’r unigolyn wneud apwyntiad i wneud aelod penodol o staff cyn ymweld â’r swyddfa neu fod yr unigolyn yn cysylltu â’r Cyngor yn ysgrifenedig yn unig.
• Cymryd camau eraill sy’n briodol yn ein barn ni gan gynnwys gwrthod caniatâd i’r unigolyn annerch y Cyngor yn ystod rhannau cyhoeddus y cyfarfod. Bydd Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan, fodd bynnag, bob amser yn dweud wrth yr unigolyn pa gamau sy’n cael eu cymryd a pham.

5. Penderfynu Cyfyngu Cyswllt.

5.1 Mae gan staff ac aelodau Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan sy’n cael profiad uniongyrchol o ymddygiad ymosodol neu sarhaus gan unigolyn yr hawl i ddelio ar unwaith ag ymddygiad o’r fath mewn modd sy’n briodol yn eu barn hwy i’r sefyllfa ac sy’n unol â’r polisi hwn. Dylent hefyd sÔn wrth y cadeirydd am yr hyn ddigwyddodd mor fuan â phosib.
5.2 Ac eithrio penderfyniadau o’r fath sy’n cael eu gwneud ar union adeg digwyddiad, dim ond ar Ôl i uwch aelod o staff neu Gadeirydd y Cyngor Cymuned ac un cynghorydd arall ystyried y sefyllfa’n ofalus y byddir yn cyfyngu ar ryddid unigolyn i ymwneud â Chyngor Cymuned Llansannan. Caiff y penderfyniad ei gofnodi yng nghyfarfod llawn nesaf y Cyngor heb ei drafod. Lle bynnag bo’n bosibl, rydym yn rhoi cyfle i unigolyn newid ei ymddygiad neu ei weithredoedd cyn gwneud penderfyniad. Hysbysir yr unigolyn yn ysgrifenedig ynglŷn â pham bod penderfyniad wedi ei wneud i gyfyngu ar ei ryddid i ymwneud â’r Cyngor, manylion y cyfyngiadau ac, os yn berthnasol, am faint o amser fydd y cyfyngiadau hyn mewn grym.

6. Apelio yn erbyn Penderfyniad i Gyfyngu ar Gyswllt

6.1 Gall unigolyn apelio yn erbyn y penderfyniad i gyfyngu ar ei gyswllt â’r Cyngor. Bydd tri (3) chynghorydd na fu’n rhan o’r penderfyniad gwreiddiol yn cwrdd i ystyried yr apêl. Byddant yn hysbysu’r unigolyn yn ysgrifenedig naill ai bod y cyfyngiadau cyswllt yn dal i fod yn berthnasol neu eu bod wedi cytuno ar drefniant gwahanol.

7. Cofnodi ac Adolygu Penderfyniad i Gyfyngu ar Gyswllt

7.1 Mae Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan yn cofnodi pob achos o ymddygiad annerbyniol gan unigolion. Lle penderfynir cyfyngu ar gyswllt unigolyn gwneir cofnod o hyn yn y ffeil berthnasol ac ar unrhyw gofnod cyfrifiadurol perthnasol.
7.2. Gellir ailystyried penderfyniad i gyfyngu ar gyswllt unigolyn os yw’r unigolyn yn dangos agwedd fwy derbyniol. Mae’r Clerc yn adolygu statws pob unigolyn nad yw’n rhydd i gysylltu â’r Cyngor fel y myn yn rheolaidd.

Policy on Unacceptable Actions by Individuals

1. Introduction

1.1 This Policy sets out the approach of Llansannan Community Council to the relatively few individuals whose actions or behaviour are considered unacceptable.

2. Policy Aims

2.1 To make it clear to all individuals, both at initial contact and throughout their dealings with the council, what Llansannan Community Council can or cannot do in relation to their request. In doing so, the aim is to be open and transparent and not raise hopes or expectations that cannot be met.
2.2 To deal fairly, honestly, consistently and appropriately with all individuals, including those whose actions are considered unacceptable. Llansannan Community Council believes that all persons have the right to be heard, understood and respected. It is also considered that Llansannan Community Council members and staff have the same rights.
2.3 To provide a service that is accessible to all individuals. However, where it is considered that individual actions are unacceptable, the right to restrict or change access to Llansannan Community Council service is retained.
2.4 To ensure that other members of the public, Llansannan Community Council or their staff do not suffer any disadvantage from persons who act in an unacceptable manner.
2.5 To provide to individuals, details of the complaints procedures if they wish to make a complaint against Llansannan Community Council and the right to contact the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales if they so wish.
2.6 All action and decisions made under this policy will take full account of the main pieces of legislation in the field of equalities and the Welsh language which include:

Equality Act 2010
Human Rights Act 1998 and the
Welsh Language Act 1993 and the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011

3. Defining Unacceptable Actions by Individuals

3.1 People may act out of character in times of trouble or distress. There may have been upsetting or distressing circumstances leading up to their need to contact our office. Llansannan Community Council does not view behaviour as unacceptable just because an individual is forceful or determined. However, the actions of individuals who are angry, demanding or persistent may result in unreasonable demands on the office or unacceptable behaviour towards Llansannan Community Council staff. It is these actions that are considered unacceptable and ones that this policy aims to manage. Llansannan Community Council has grouped these actions under three broad headings:
3.1.1 Aggressive or Abusive Behaviour
(i) Violence is not restricted to acts of aggression that may result in physical harm. It also includes behaviour or language (whether oral or written) that may cause staff to feel afraid, threatened or abused.
(ii) Examples of behaviours grouped under this heading include threats, physical violence, personal verbal abuse, derogatory remarks and rudeness. It is also considered that inflammatory statements and unsubstantiated allegations can be abusive behaviour.
(iii) We expect our staff and members to be treated courteously and with respect. Violence or abuse towards staff or members is unacceptable. Staff and Members of Llansannan Community Council understand the difference between aggression and anger. The anger felt by many complainants involves the subject matter of their complaint. However, it is not acceptable when actions escalate into aggression directed towards Llansannan Community Council staff.
3.1.2 Unreasonable Demands
(i) Individuals may make what are considered to be unreasonable demands on the Llansannan Community Council through the amount of information they seek, the nature and scale of service they expect or the number of approaches they make. What amounts to unreasonable demands will always depend on the circumstances surrounding the behaviour and the seriousness of the issues raised by the individual.
(ii) Examples of actions grouped under this heading include demanding responses within an unreasonable time-scale, insisting on seeing or speaking to a particular member of staff or Members, continual phone calls or letters, and e-mails, repeatedly changing the substance of the request or raising unrelated matters.
(iii) These demands are considered unacceptable and unreasonable if they start to impact substantially on the work of the Council, such as taking up an excessive amount of staff time or use of resources to the disadvantage of other individuals or functions.
3.1.3 Unreasonable Persistence
(i) It is recognised that some individuals will not or cannot accept that Llansannan Community Council is unable to assist them further or provide a level of service other than that provided already. They may persist in disagreeing with the action or decision taken in relation to their issue or contact the office persistently about the same matter.
(ii) Examples of actions grouped under this heading include persistent refusal to accept a decision made in relation to a request or complaint, persistent refusal to accept explanations relating to what the Council can or cannot do and continuing to pursue an issue without presenting any new information. The way in which these individuals approach Llansannan Community Council may be entirely reasonable, but it is their persistent behaviour in continuing to do so that is not.
(iii) The actions of persistent individuals are considered to be unacceptable when they take up what Llansannan Community Council regards as being a disproportionate amount of time and resources.

4. Managing Unacceptable Actions by Individuals

4.1 There are relatively few individuals whose actions are considered by Llansannan Community Council to be unacceptable. How these actions are managed depends on their nature and extent. If it adversely affects Llansannan Community Council ability to do its work and provide a service to others, individual contact with the office may need to be restricted in order to manage the unacceptable action. Contact in person, by telephone, fax, letter or electronically or by any combination of these may be restricted. Effort will be made to try to maintain at least one form of contact. In extreme situations, the individual will be told in writing that their name is on a ‘no personal contact’ list. This means that they must restrict contact with Llansannan Community Council either in written communication or through a third party.
4.2 The threat or use of physical violence, verbal abuse or harassment towards Llansannan Community Council staff is likely to result in the ending of all direct contact with the individual. Incidents may be reported to the police. This will always be the case if physical violence is used or threatened or if it is considered that an individual is making improper use of Public Electronic Communications Network when referring to staff or Members of the council..
4.3 Llansannan Community Council will not deal with correspondence (letter, fax or electronic) that is abusive to staff or contains allegations that lack substantive evidence. When this happens the individual will be told that their language is considered offensive, unnecessary and unhelpful. They will be asked to stop using such language and Llansannan Community Council will state that there will be no response to their correspondence if they do not stop. Llansannan Community Council may require future contact to be through a third party.
4.4 Llansannan Community Council staff and Members will end telephone calls if the caller is considered aggressive, abusive or offensive. The staff member taking the call has the right to make this decision, tell the caller that the behaviour is unacceptable and end the call if the behaviour does not stop.
4.5 Where an individual repeatedly phones, visits the office, sends irrelevant documents or raises the same issues, Llansannan Community Council may decide to:
• only take telephone calls from the individual at set times on set days or put an arrangement in place for only one member of staff or Council Member to deal with calls or correspondence from the individual in the future.
• require the individual to make an appointment to see a named member of staff or Member before visiting the office or that the individual contacts the office in writing only.
• take other action that we consider appropriate including the withdrawal of permission for the individual to address the Council during open parts of its meetings.. Llansannan Community Council will, however, always tell the individual what action is being taken and why.

5. Deciding to Restrict Contact

5.1 Members of Llansannan Community Council or its staff who directly experience aggressive or abusive behaviour from an individual have the authority to deal immediately with that behaviour in a manner they consider appropriate to the situation and in line with this policy, they should also report the action to the Chairman at the earliest opportunity.
5.2 With the exception of such immediate decisions taken at the time of an incident, decisions to restrict contact with Llansannan Community Council are only taken after careful consideration of the situation by a more senior member of staff or by the Chair of the Council plus one Council Member. This decision will be minuted at the next full Council meeting without discussion. Wherever possible, we give an individual the opportunity to modify their behaviour or action before a decision is taken. Individuals are told in writing why a decision has been made to restrict future contact, the restricted contact arrangements and, if relevant, the length of time that these restrictions will be in place.

6. Appealing a Decision to Restrict Contact

6.1 An individual can appeal a decision to restrict contact. Three (3) Councillors not involved in the original decision will meet to consider the appeal. They will advise the individual in writing that either the restricted contact arrangements still apply or a different course of action has been agreed.

7. Recording and Reviewing a Decision to Restrict Contact

7.1 Llansannan Community Council records all incidents of unacceptable actions by individuals. Where it is decided to restrict individual contact, an entry noting this is made in the relevant file and on any appropriate computer record.
7.2. A decision to restrict individual contact may be reconsidered if the individual demonstrates a more acceptable approach. The Clerk reviews the status of all individuals with restricted contact arrangements on a regular basis.

Polisi Pryderon a Chwynion

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan wedi ymrwymo i ddelio’n effeithiol ag unrhyw
bryder neu gŵyn sydd gennych am ein gwasanaeth. Ein nod yw egluro unrhyw
fater nad ydych yn sicr yn ei gylch. Os yw’n bosibl, byddwn yn cywiro unrhyw
gamgymeriad rydym efallai wedi eu gwneud. Byddwn yn darparu unrhyw wasanaeth y mae gennych hawl iddo nad ydym wedi ei ddarparu cyn hyn.

Os ydym wedi gwneud rhywbeth yn anghywir, byddwn yn ymddiheuro ac os yw’n bosibl byddwn yn ceisio gwneud iawn am hynny. Rydym hefyd yn ceisio dysgu o’n camgymeriadau ac yn defnyddio’r wybodaeth a gawn i wella ein gwasanaethau.

Bydd pob gweithred a phenderfyniad dan y polisi hwn yn ystyried y prif ddeddfwriaethau o ran cydraddoldeb a’r iaith Gymraeg, sef:
• Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010
• Deddf Hawliau Dynol 1998
• Deddf yr Iaith Gymraeg 1993 a Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011

Pryd y dylid defnyddio’r polisi hwn

Pan fyddwch yn mynegi eich pryderon neu’ch cwyn wrthym, byddwn fel arfer yn ymateb yn y ffordd sy’n cael ei disgrifio isod. Fodd bynnag, weithiau efallai y bydd gennych hawl statudol i apelio felly, yn hytrach nag ymchwilio i’ch pryder, byddwn yn egluro wrthych sut i apelio. Weithiau, efallai y byddwch yn pryderu am faterion nad ni sy’n penderfynu arnynt a byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi wedyn sut mae gwneud eich pryderon yn hysbys. Hefyd, nid yw’r polisi hwn yn berthnasol os yw’r mater yn ymwneud â Rhyddid Gwybodaeth neu Ddiogelu Data. Dan yr amgylchiadau hyn, dylech gysylltu â (rhowch fanylion cyswllt perthnasol)

Ydych chi wedi gofyn i ni eto?

Os ydych yn cysylltu â ni am wasanaeth am y tro cyntaf (e.e. yn rhoi gwybod am olau stryd diffygiol, yn gofyn am apwyntiad ac ati) nid yw’r polisi hwn yn berthnasol. Dylech roi cyfle i ni yn gyntaf i ymateb i’ch cais. Os ydych chi’n gwneud cais am wasanaeth ac yn anhapus â’n hymateb, gallwch roi gwybod am eich pryder yn y ffordd sy’n cael ei disgrifio isod.

Datrys anffurfiol

Os yw’n bosibl, credwn ei bod yn well delio â phethau ar unwaith yn hytrach na cheisio eu datrys yn ddiweddarach. Os oes gennych bryder, codwch ef gyda’r sawl yr ydych yn delio ag ef. Bydd ef neu hi yn ceisio datrys y mater yn y fan a’r lle. Os oes gwersi i’w dysgu o roi sylw i’ch pryder, bydd yr aelod staff neu Aelod o’r Cyngor yn eu dwyn i’n sylw. Os na all yr aelod staff helpu, bydd yn egluro pam a gallwch chi wedyn ofyn am ymchwiliad ffurfiol.

Sut mae mynegi pryder neu gŵyn yn ffurfiol
Gallwch fynegi’ch cwyn mewn unrhyw un o’r ffyrdd isod.

• Gallwch ofyn i’r sawl rydych mewn cysylltiad ag ef am gopi o’n
ffurflen. Dywedwch wrtho eich bod am i ni ddelio â’ch pryder yn ffurfiol.
• Os hoffech gwyno dros y ffÔn gallwch gysylltu â’n pwynt cyswllt canolog i gwynion ar 01745 870163.
• Gallwch ddefnyddio’r ffurflen ar ein gwefan website link
• Gallwch anfon e-bost at Click to email
• Gallwch ysgrifennu llythyr atom ni a’i anfon i’r cyfeiriad canlynol:
Dewi Jones (Clerc), Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan, 5 Rhes Aled, Llansannan, Dinbych, Conwy, LL16 5HP.
Ein nod yw bod ffurflenni mynegi pryder a chwyno ar gael ym mhob un o’n canolfannau gwasanaeth a’n hardaloedd cyhoeddus a hefyd mewn mannau priodol yn y gymuned

Delio â’ch pryder

• Byddwn yn cydnabod eich pryder yn ffurfiol o fewn 5 diwrnod gwaith
gan roi gwybod i chi sut y bwriadwn ymdrin ag ef.
• Byddwn yn gofyn i chi ddweud wrthym sut yr hoffech i ni gyfathrebu â chi ac yn gweld a oes gennych unrhyw ofynion penodol - er enghraifft, os oes gennych anabledd.
• Byddwn yn delio â’ch pryder mewn ffordd agored a gonest.
• Byddwn yn gwneud yn siŵr na fyddwch yn wynebu anfantais wrth ddelio â ni yn y dyfodol am eich bod wedi mynegi pryder neu wneud cwyn.

Fel arfer, dim ond os dywedwch wrthym am eich pryderon o fewn 6 mis y byddwn yn
gallu edrych arnynt. Y rheswm am hyn yw ei bod yn well ymchwilio i’ch pryderon tra mae’r materion yn dal yn fyw ym meddwl pawb.

O dan amgylchiadau eithriadol efallai y gallwn edrych ar bryderon sy’n cael eu dwyn i’n sylw yn ddiweddarach na hyn. Fodd bynnag, bydd yn rhaid i chi roi rhesymau cryf i ni pam nad ydych wedi gallu dwyn eich pryder i’n sylw yn gynharach a bydd angen i ni gael gwybodaeth ddigonol am y mater i’n galluogi i’w ystyried yn briodol. (Sut bynnag, waeth beth yw’r amgylchiadau, ni fyddwn yn ystyried unrhyw bryder am fater a ddigwyddodd dros dair blynedd yn Ôl).

Os ydych yn mynegi pryder ar ran rhywun arall, bydd angen eu cytundeb nhw arnom i chi weithredu ar eu rhan.

Beth os oes a wnelo mwy nag un corff â’r mater?

Os yw’ch cwyn yn cwmpasu mwy nag un corff byddwn yn gweithio gyda nhw fel arfer i benderfynu pwy ddylai arwain wrth ddelio â’ch pryderon. Os yw’ch cwyn am feddyg teulu, gallwch ofyn i’r Bwrdd Iechyd i ymchwilio i hyn ar eich rhan. Wedyn, rhoddir i chi enw’r sawl a fydd yn gyfrifol am gyfathrebu â chi tra ydym yn delio â’ch cwyn. 6

Os oes a wnelo’r gwyn â chorff sy’n gweithio ar ein rhan (enghreifftiau priodol yma
e.e. contractwyr atgyweirio, darparwyr iechyd arbenigol, cartrefi preswyl
preifat ac ati) efallai yr hoffech chi godi’r mater yn anffurfiol gyda nhw yn gyntaf. Fodd bynnag, os hoffech chi fynegi eich pryder neu’ch cwyn yn ffurfiol, byddwn yn ymchwilio i hyn ein hunain ac yn anfon ymateb atoch.


Byddwn yn dweud wrthych pwy rydym wedi gofyn iddo ymchwilio i’ch pryder neu gŵyn. Os yw’ch pryder yn un syml, fel arfer byddwn yn gofyn i rywun o’r gwasanaeth ymchwilio iddo a dod yn Ôl atoch. Os yw’n fwy difrifol, efallai y byddwn yn penodi ymchwilydd annibynnol.

Byddwn yn cyflwyno i chi ein dealltwriaeth ni o’ch pryderon ac yn gofyn i chi gadarnhau ein bod wedi eu deall yn iawn. Byddwn hefyd yn gofyn i chi ddweud wrthym pa ganlyniad rydych yn gobeithio ei gael. Fel arfer bydd angen i’r sawl sy’n ystyried eich cwyn weld y ffeiliau sydd gennym sy’n berthnasol i’ch cwyn. Os nad ydych am i hyn ddigwydd, mae’n bwysig eich bod yn dweud wrthym.

Os oes ateb syml i’ch problem, efallai y byddwn yn gofyn i chi a ydych yn hapus i dderbyn hwnnw. Er enghraifft, lle’r ydych wedi gofyn am wasanaeth a’n bod yn gweld ar unwaith y dylech fod wedi ei gael, byddwn yn cynnig darparu’r gwasanaeth yn hytrach nag ymchwilio a chynhyrchu adroddiad.

Byddwn yn ceisio datrys pryderon mor gyflym â phosibl a byddwn yn disgwyl delio â’r mwyafrif helaeth o fewn 20 diwrnod gwaith. Os yw’ch cwyn yn fwy cymhleth, byddwn yn:

• rhoi gwybod i chi o fewn y cyfnod hwn pam y credwn y gallai gymryd mwy o
amser i ymchwilio
• dweud wrthych faint o amser rydym yn disgwyl iddo ei gymryd
• rhoi gwybod i chi pa mor bell rydym wedi mynd gyda’r ymchwiliad, ac yn
• rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi, yn cynnwys dweud wrthych a
fydd unrhyw ddatblygiad yn debygol o newid ein hamcangyfrif gwreiddiol.

Bydd y sawl sy’n ymchwilio i’ch pryderon yn ceisio sefydlu’r ffeithiau yn gyntaf.
Mewn rhai achosion, efallai y gofynnwn am gael cwrdd â chi i drafod eich pryderon.
Weithiau, efallai y byddwn yn awgrymu cyfryngu neu ddull arall i geisio datrys anghydfod.

Byddwn yn edrych ar dystiolaeth berthnasol. Gallai hyn gynnwys ffeiliau, nodiadau o
sgyrsiau, llythyrau, negeseuon e-bost neu beth bynnag a fydd yn berthnasol i’ch pryder chi. Os bydd yn rhaid, byddwn yn siarad â staff neu bobl eraill sy’n gysylltiedig â’r mater ac yn edrych ar ein polisïau ac ar unrhyw hawl gyfreithiol a chanllawiau.

Y canlyniad

Os byddwn yn ymchwilio yn ffurfiol i’ch cwyn, byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi beth rydym wedi ei ganfod drwy’r dull cyfathrebu rydych yn ei ffafrio. Gallai hyn fod drwy lythyr neu e-bost. Os bydd yn rhaid, byddwn yn cynhyrchu adroddiad hwy. Byddwn yn egluro sut a pham y daethom i’n casgliadau.

Os canfyddwn mai ni oedd ar fai, byddwn yn dweud wrthych beth a ddigwyddodd a pham. Byddwn yn dangos sut yr effeithiodd y camgymeriad arnoch chi.

Os canfyddwn fod diffyg yn ein systemau neu’r ffordd rydym yn gwneud pethau,
byddwn yn dweud wrthych beth yw’r diffyg hwnnw a sut rydym yn bwriadu newid pethau i’w rwystro rhag digwydd eto.

Os oeddem ni ar fai, byddwn bob amser yn ymddiheuro.

Gweithio i Wella

Os nad ydym wedi darparu gwasanaeth y dylech fod wedi’i gael, byddwn yn ceisio’i
ddarparu yn awr os yw hynny’n bosibl. Os ydym wedi methu â gwneud rhywbeth yn dda, byddwn yn ceisio cywiro hynny. Os ydych wedi bod ar eich colled oherwydd camgymeriad ar ein rhan ni, byddwn yn ceisio’ch rhoi yn Ôl yn y sefyllfa y byddech wedi bod ynddi pe baem wedi gwneud pethau’n iawn.

Os bu’n rhaid i chi dalu am wasanaeth eich hun, pan ddylech fod wedi cael gwasanaeth gennym ni, byddwn fel arfer yn ceisio gwneud iawn am yr hyn yr ydych
wedi’i golli.

Yr Ombwdsmon

Os na lwyddwn i ddatrys eich cwyn, gallwch gwyno i Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau
Cyhoeddus Cymru. Mae’r Ombwdsmon yn annibynnol ar bob corff y llywodraeth a gall ymchwilio i’ch cwyn os ydych yn credu eich bod chi’n bersonol, neu’r sawl yr ydych yn cwyno ar ei ran:

• wedi eich trin/ei drin yn annheg neu wedi derbyn gwasanaeth gwael oherwydd diffyg ar ran y corff a oedd yn ei ddarparu
• wedi wynebu anfantais yn bersonol oherwydd methiant yn y gwasanaeth neu wedi eich trin/ei drin yn annheg.

Mae’r Ombwdsmon yn disgwyl i chi ddwyn eich pryderon i’n sylw ni yn gyntaf a rhoi’r cyfle i ni gywiro pethau. Gallwch gysylltu â’r Ombwdsmon fel hyn:

* ffÔn: 0845 601 0987
* e-bost: Click to email
* y wefan: website link
* ysgrifennu at: Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Cymru
1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae, Pencoed CF35 5LJ

Mae yna hefyd sefydliadau eraill sy’n rhoi sylw i gwynion. Er enghraifft, Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg ynghylch gwasanaethau yn y Gymraeg. Gallwn eich cynghori am sefydliadau o’r fath.

Dysgu gwersi
Rydym yn cymryd eich pryderon a’ch cwynion o ddifrif ac yn ceisio dysgu o unrhyw
gamgymeriad rydym wedi eu gwneud. Mae ein Pwyllgor yn ystyried crynodeb o’r holl gwynion yn chwarterol yn ogystal â manylion unrhyw gwyn difrifol. Mae ein Cyngor hefyd yn ystyried ein hymateb i gwynion o leiaf ddwywaith y flwyddyn.

Lle mae angen newid, byddwn yn datblygu cynllun gweithredu sy’n nodi’r hyn y byddwn yn ei wneud, pwy fydd yn ei wneud ac erbyn pryd y bwriadwn ei wneud. Byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi pan fydd newidiadau a addawyd gennym wedi eu gwneud.

Beth os oes angen help arnaf?

Bydd ein staff yn ceisio’ch helpu i wneud eich pryderon yn hysbys i ni. Os oes angen cymorth ychwanegol arnoch, byddwn yn ceisio eich rhoi mewn cysylltiad â rhywun a all helpu. Efallai yr hoffech gysylltu â CAB, gwasanaethau eiriolaeth y Cynghorau Iechyd Cymuned, Age Concern, Shelter ac ati a fydd efallai yn gallu eich helpu.

Gallwch hefyd ddefnyddio’r polisi pryderon a chwynion hwn os ydych chi dan 18 oed. Os bydd angen help arnoch, gallwch siarad â rhywun ar Linell Gymorth Meic (080880 23456, website link) neu gysylltu â Chomisiynydd Plant Cymru. Dyma’r manylion cyswllt:

01792 765600 (De Cymru) 01492 523333 (Gogledd Cymru)
Click to email
website link

Swyddfa De Cymru:
Oystermouth House
Phoenix Way

Swyddfa Gogledd Cymru:
Penrhos Manor
Rhodfa’r Dderwen
Bae Colwyn
LL29 7YW

Yr hyn rydym yn ei ddisgwyl gennych chi

Mewn cyfnodau o helbul neu drallod, gall rhai pobl ymddwyn mewn ffordd sy’n groes i’w natur. Efallai fod yr amgylchiadau a arweiniodd at bryder neu gŵyn wedi peri gofid neu loes i chi. Nid ydym yn ystyried bod ymddygiad yn annerbyniol am fod rhywun yn egnïol neu’n benderfynol.

Credwn fod gan bob achwynydd yr hawl i gael ei glywed, i gael ei ddeall ac i gael ei
barchu. Fodd bynnag, rydym yn credu hefyd fod gan ein staff ni yr un hawliau. Rydym, felly, yn disgwyl i chi fod yn gwrtais a moesgar wrth gysylltu â ni. Ni fyddwn yn goddef ymddygiad ymosodol na sarhaus, gofynion afresymol na dyfalbarhad afresymol. Mae gennym bolisi ar wahân i reoli sefyllfaoedd lle’r ydym yn canfod bod rhywun yn gweithredu mewn ffordd annerbyniol.

Atodiad A

Ffurflen Gwyno

A: Eich manylion chi
Cyfenw Enw(au) cyntaf: Teitl: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/neu
nodwch os yw’n wahanol:

Cyfeiriad a chÔd post:

Eich cyfeiriad e-bost:

Rhif ffÔn – dydd:

Rhif ffÔn symudol:

Nodwch drwy ba un o’r dulliau uchod y byddai’n well gennych i ni gysylltu â chi

Eich gofynion: os yw’n ffordd arferol o ddelio â chwynion yn ei gwneud hi’n anodd i chi ddefnyddio ein gwasanaeth, er enghraifft os nad y Gymraeg na’r Saesneg yw eich iaith gyntaf neu os oes angen i chi gysylltu â ni mewn ffordd benodol, dywedwch wrthym os gwelwch yn dda fel y gallwn drafod sut y gallem eich helpu.

Fel arfer, y sawl sydd wedi wynebu’r broblem ddylai gwblhau’r ffurflen hon. Os ydych yn ei chwblhau ar ran rhywun arall, cwblhewch Adran B. Cyn bwrw ymlaen i ddelio â’r cwyn, bydd yn rhaid i ni fod yn gwbl sicr bod gennych chi’r awdurdod i weithredu ar ran yr unigolyn dan sylw.

B: Gwneud cwyn ar ran rhywun arall: Eu manylion nhw

Eu henw yn llawn:

Cyfeiriad a chÔd post:

Beth yw’ch perthynas â’r person?

Pam ydych chi’n gwneud cwyn ar ei ran?

C: Eich pryder/cwyn (Parhewch ar dudalen ar wahân os oes angen)

C.1 Enw’r adran/isadran/gwasanaeth rydych yn cwyno amdani/amdano:

C.2 Beth yn eich barn chi gafodd ei wneud yn anghywir, neu na chafodd ei wneud?

C.3 Disgrifiwch sut rydych chi’n bersonol wedi dioddef neu sut yr effeithiwyd arnoch.
C.4 Beth yn eich barn chi ddylai gael ei wneud i gywiro pethau?

C.5 Pryd daethoch chi’n ymwybodol o’r broblem gyntaf?

C.6 A ydych eisoes wedi mynegi eich pryder wrth y staff rheng flaen sy’n gyfrifol am
ddarparu’r gwasanaeth? Os felly, nodwch sut a phryd y gwnaethoch hynny.

C.7 Os oes mwy na 6 mis (12 mis i bryderon iechyd) ers i chi ddod yn ymwybodol o’r
broblem gyntaf, rhowch y rheswm pam nad ydych wedi cwyno cyn hyn.

Os oes gennych unrhyw ddogfen i ategu’ch pryder/cwyn, rhowch nhw ynghlwm wrth
y ffurflen hon.

Llofnod: Dyddiad:

Ar Ôl cwblhau’r ffurflen hon, anfonwch hi at:
[Enw (y sawl sy’n delio â chwynion yn ganolog)
Cyfeiriad a Manylion Cyswllt Eraill]

Concerns and Complaints Procedure

Llansannan Community Council is committed to dealing effectively with any concerns or complaints you may have about our service. We aim to clarify any issues about which you are not sure. If possible, we’ll put right any mistakes we may have made. We will provide any service you’re entitled to which we have failed to deliver.
If we got something wrong, we’ll apologise and where possible we’ll try to put things right. We also aim to learn from our mistakes and use the information we gain to improve our services.
All action and decisions made under this procedure will take full account of the main pieces of legislation in the field of equalities and the Welsh language which include:
• Equality Act 2010
• Human Rights Act 1998 and the
• Welsh Language Act 1993 and the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011

When to use this policy

When you express your concerns or complain to us, we will usually respond in the way we explain below. However, sometimes you may have a statutory right of appeal so, rather than investigate your concern; we will explain to you how you can appeal. Sometimes, you might be concerned about matters that are not decided by us and we will then advise you about how to make your concerns known. Also, this policy does not apply if the matter relates to a Freedom of Information or Data Protection issue. In this circumstance, you should contact (insert relevant contact details)

Have you asked us yet?

If you are approaching us for a service for the first time, (e.g. reporting a faulty street light, requesting an appointment etc) then this policy doesn’t apply. You should first give us a chance to respond to your request. If you make a request for a service and then are not happy with our response, you will be able to make your concern known as we describe below.

Informal resolution

If possible, we believe it’s best to deal with things straight away rather than try to sort them out later. If you have a concern, raise it with the person you’re dealing with. He or she will try to resolve it for you there and then. If there are any lessons to learn from addressing your concern then the member of staff or Council Member will draw them to our attention. If the
member of staff can’t help, they will explain why and you can then ask for a formal investigation.

How to express concern or complain formally

You can express your concern in any of the ways below.

• You can ask for a copy of our form from the person with whom you are already in contact. Tell them that you want us to deal with your concern formally.
• You can get in touch with our central complaint contact point on telephone number 01745 870163 if you want to make your complaint over the phone.
• You can use the form on our website at website link
• You can e-mail us at Click to email
• You can write a letter to us at the following address:
Dewi Jones (Clerk), Llansannan Community Council, 5 Aled Terrace, Llansannan, Denbigh, Conwy, LL16 5HP.

We aim to have concern and complaint forms available at all of our service outlets and public areas and also at appropriate locations in the community.

Dealing with your concern

• We will formally acknowledge your concern within 5 working days and let you know how we intend to deal with it.
• We will ask you to tell us how you would like us to communicate with you and establish whether you have any particular requirements – for example, if you have a disability.
• We will deal with your concern in an open and honest way.
• We will make sure that your dealings with us in the future do not suffer just because you have expressed a concern or made a complaint.

Normally, we will only be able to look at your concerns if you tell us about them within 6 months. This is because it’s better to look into your concerns while the issues are still fresh in everyone’s mind.

We may exceptionally be able to look at concerns which are brought to our attention later than this. However, you will have to give us strong reasons why you have not been able to bring it to our attention earlier and we will need to have sufficient information about the issue to allow us to consider it properly. (In any event, regardless of the circumstances,
we will not consider any concerns about matters that took place more than three years ago).

If you’re expressing a concern on behalf of somebody else, we’ll need their agreement to you acting on their behalf.

What if there is more than one body involved?

If your complaint covers more than one body we will usually work with them to decide who should take a lead in dealing with your concerns. If your complaint is about a GP, you can ask the Health Board to look into it for you. You will then be given the name of the person responsible for communicating with you while we consider your complaint.

If the complaint is about a body working on our behalf (appropriate examples here e.g. repair contractors, specialist health providers, private residential homes etc.) you may wish to raise the matter informally with them first. However, if you want to express your concern or complaint formally, we will look into this ourselves and respond to you.


We will tell you who we have asked to look into your concern or complaint. If your concern is straightforward, we’ll usually ask somebody from the Council to look into it and get back to you. If it is more serious, we may appoint an independent investigator.

We will set out to you our understanding of your concerns and ask you to confirm that we’ve got it right. We’ll also ask you to tell us what outcome you’re hoping for. The person looking at your complaint will usually need to see the files we hold relevant to your complaint. If you don’t want this to happen, it’s important that you tell us.

If there is a simple solution to your problem, we may ask you if you’re happy to accept this. For example, where you asked for a service and we see straight away that you should have had it; we will offer to provide the service rather than investigate and produce a report.

We will aim to resolve concerns as quickly as possible and expect to deal with the vast majority within 20 working days. If your complaint is more complex,
we will:

• let you know within this time why we think it may take longer to investigate
• tell you how long we expect it to take.
• let you know where we have reached with the investigation, and
• give you regular updates, including telling you whether any developments might change our original estimate.

The person who is investigating your concerns will aim first to establish the facts. The extent of this investigation will depend on how complex and how serious the issues you have raised are. In complex cases, we will draw up an
investigation plan.

In some instances, we may ask to meet you to discuss your concerns. Occasionally, we might suggest mediation or another method to try to resolve disputes.

We’ll look at relevant evidence. This could include files, notes of conversations, letters, emails or whatever may be relevant to your particular concern. If necessary, we’ll talk to the staff or others involved and look at our policies and any legal entitlement and guidance.

If we formally investigate your complaint, we will let you know what we have found in keeping with your preferred form of communication. This could be by letter or e-mail, for example. If necessary, we will produce a longer report. We’ll explain how and why we came to our conclusions.

If we find that we got it wrong, we’ll tell you what and why it happened. We’ll show how the mistake affected you.

If we find there is a fault in our systems or the way we do things, we’ll tell you what it is and how we plan to change things to stop it happening again.

If we got it wrong, we will always apologise.

Putting Things Right

If we didn’t provide a service you should have had, we’ll aim to provide it now if that’s possible. If we didn’t do something well, we’ll aim to put it right. If you have lost out as a result of a mistake on our part we’ll try to put you back in the position you would have been in if we’d got it right.

If you had to pay for a service yourself, when you should have had one from us, we will usually aim to make good what you have lost.


If we do not succeed in resolving your complaint, you may complain to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. The Ombudsman is independent of all government bodies and can look into your complaint if you believe that you personally, or the person on whose behalf you are complaining:

• have been treated unfairly or received a bad service through some failure on the part of the body providing it
• have been disadvantaged personally by a service failure or have been treated unfairly.

The Ombudsman expects you to bring your concerns to our attention first and to give us a chance to put things right. You can contact the Ombudsman by:

* phone: 0845 601 0987
* e-mail: Click to email
* the website: website link
* writing to: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae, Pencoed CF35 5LJ

There are also other organisations that consider complaints. For example, the Welsh Language Board about services in Welsh. We can advise you about such organisations.

Learning lessons

We take your concerns and complaints seriously and try to learn from any mistakes we’ve made. Our Committee considers a summary of all complaints quarterly as well as details of any serious complaints. Our Council also considers our response to complaints at least twice a year.

Where there is a need for change, we will develop an action plan setting out what we will do, who will do it and when we plan to do it by. We will let you know when changes we’ve promised have been made.

What if I need help?

Our staff will aim to help you make your concerns known to us. If you need extra assistance, we will try to put you in touch with someone who can help. You may wish to contact e.g. CAB, CHC advocacy services, Age Concern, Shelter etc who may be able to assist you.

You can also use this concerns and complaints policy if you are someone under the age of 18. If you need help, you can speak to someone on the Meic Helpline (phone 080880 23456, website link) or contact the Children’s Commissioner for Wales. Contact details are:

01792 765600 (South Wales) 01492 523333 (North Wales)
Click to email
website link

South Wales Office:
Oystermouth House
Phoenix Way

North Wales Office:
Penrhos Manor
Oak Drive
Colwyn Bay
LL29 7YW

What we expect from you

In times of trouble or distress, some people may act out of character. There may have been upsetting or distressing circumstances leading up to a concern or a complaint. We do not view behaviour as unacceptable just because someone is forceful or determined.

We believe that all complainants have the right to be heard, understood and respected. However, we also consider that our staff have the same rights. We, therefore, expect you to be polite and courteous in your dealings with us. We will not tolerate aggressive or abusive behaviour, unreasonable demands or unreasonable persistence. We have a separate policy to manage situations where we find that someone’s actions are unacceptable.

Appendix A

Complaint form
A: Your details

Surname Forename(s): Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms
If other please state:

Address and postcode:

Your e-mail address:

Daytime contact phone number:

Mobile number:

Please state by which of the above methods you would prefer us to contact you

Your requirements: if our usual way of dealing with complaints makes it difficult for you to use our service, for example if English or Welsh is not your first language or you need to engage with us in a particular way, please tell us so that we can discuss how we might help you.

The person who experienced the problem should normally fill in this form. If you are filling this in on behalf of someone else, please fill in section B. Please note that before taking forward the complaint we will need to satisfy ourselves that you have the authority to act on behalf of the person concerned.

B: Making a complaint on behalf of someone else: Their details

Their name in full:

Address and postcode:

What is your relationship to them?

Why are you making a complaint on their behalf?

C: About your concern/complaint (Please continue your answers to the
following questions on a separate sheet(s) if necessary)

C.1 Name of the department/section/service you are complaining about:

C.2 What do you think they did wrong, or failed to do?

C.3 Describe how you personally have suffered or have been affected.

C.4 What do you think should be done to put things right?

C.5 When did you first become aware of the problem?

C.6 Have you already put your concern to the frontline staff responsible for delivering the service? If so, please give brief details of how and when you did so.

C.7 If it is more than 6 months (12 months for health concerns) since you became first aware of the problem, please give the reason why you have not complained before now.

If you have any documents to support your concern/complaint, please attach them with this form.

Signature: Date:

When you have completed this form, please send it to:
[Name (central complaints handler)
Address & Other Contact Details]


Polisi ymateb i gwynion gan aelodau o'r cyhoedd yn erbyn Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan. Complaint proceedures for members of the public wishing to complain against Llansannan Community Council. Statistics: 0 click throughs, 574 views since start of 2024

Polisi ymateb i gwynion gan aelodau o'r cyhoedd yn erbyn Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan. Complaint proceedures for members of the public wishing to complain against Llansannan Community Council.

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 81 click throughs, 71363 views since start of 2024